Messi T-shirts sold at Sotheby’s for $7.8 million

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Six T-shirts of Argentine football player Lionel Messi were sold at a Sotheby’s auction for $7.8 million, the auction house’s website reports. We are talking about the clothes that Messi wore at the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar. “The shirts that Messi wore in matches are artifacts of his legacy. They symbolize the peak of Messi’s career, full of work and passion for the game. These shirts will serve as a reminder of the greatness of Messi and the mark he left. in the history of football,” the publication says. However, the result of those auctions did not surpass the record set by Michael Jordan’s jersey from the 1998 NBA Finals. This item was sold in 2022 for 9.1 million euros. It was previously reported that a ticket for the match between Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi was sold at auction for $2.6 million.

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