MegaFon announced a strategic partnership with a developer of video analytics solutions

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06/05/2024 15:43 SAMARA. JUNE 5. LAST NEWS. Read: 21 Print version If you find an error in the text, highlight it and press CTR+Enter MegaFon begins developing new solutions in the field of cloud video surveillance and video analytics: the operator announces a strategic partnership with the market leader – Ivideon. The corresponding agreement was signed at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. Photo: courtesy of the MegaFon press service As part of cooperation, the companies agreed to jointly develop and implement new intelligent services in the field of video surveillance and video analytics. At the first stage of the partnership, MegaFon and Ivideon will expand their customer offer and complement their own product portfolio with both the developer’s innovative technologies and the operator’s digital solutions. In the future, the partnership provides for the creation of a scalable and reliable video surveillance and video analytics system based on the MegaFon cloud platform. The system will provide customers with a high level of service and the ability to process and analyze video data in real time, and the use of MegaFon cloud technologies will increase the security of the data used. On behalf of MegaFon, the agreement was signed by the commercial director for development of corporate and government segments, Emin Antonyan, on the part of Ivideon, by the company’s general director, Zaur Abutalimov. “Our cooperation combines MegaFon’s infrastructure cloud resources and Ivideon’s focused 14-year experience in its field. These two factors make it possible to create a unique solution that can change the video surveillance and video analytics market – a comprehensive system with a high level of availability and effective technical support,” noted Emin Antonyan during the signing of the agreement. “Partnership with MegaFon strengthens our position in the market. Collaboration on a multifunctional video surveillance platform for local and cloud systems without scale restrictions allows. us to meet the needs of almost any business. Cooperation with Ivideon gives MegaFon the opportunity to offer customers a range of advanced smart video surveillance technologies,” added Ivideon CEO Zaur Abutalimov. Last news

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