Which goods have risen in price the most? – July 4, 2024 – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

Beets have almost doubled in price in Russia Source: Alexey Volkhonsky / V1.RU Despite the fact that official inflation over the past year in Russia is about 7.5%, and food inflation is about 9%, there are products that have exceeded this several times. Beets have risen in price. Who else reached the top and why this happened – in the material. Over the past year, food prices have risen unevenly. In addition to inflation, the main reasons for the price increase were the fall in the ruble exchange rate and a decrease in crop yields. According to Rosstat, beets were the most expensive product. Its cost increased by 71%. Chicken eggs are in second place in terms of cost growth. Their price has increased by 48.5% over the year. Co-founder and CEO of Cenosaur Konstantin Kalugin told MSK1.RU that eggs began to grow rapidly since the beginning of 2024. — A dozen eggs can be bought for an average of 127.24 rubles, although prices vary greatly — from 71.99 rubles and up. to 71.99 rubles a tray for 212.99 rubles For convenience, we are adding infographics Source: Polina Avdoshina / City portals As you can see, “poultry mud products” have risen in price less. Over the year, this category has grown by 22.6%. According to Rosstat, many imported goods have risen in price significantly over the past 12 months. Bananas (+32.4%), olive oil (+27.9%), grapes (+32.4%), garlic (+41%). This is happening under the influence of the ruble exchange rate and due to the growth of world prices, which reached historical highs in the first half of 2024, — Denis Ternovsky, chief researcher at the Center for Agrarian Policy of the Institute of Economics and Management. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, noted in an interview with Forbes. As can be seen from the infographic, apples have risen in price by 25% compared to 2023. This year, apples suffered from frost, especially in Central Russia. The apple harvest will amount to 1.5 million tons instead of last year’s 1.7 million tons, said Minister of Agriculture Oksana Lut According to experts, prices for greenhouse vegetables Earlier, together with experts, we explained why potato prices. Earlier, it was also reported that producers admitted that they were forced to raise wholesale prices for bread by an average of 10-15%.

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