Kostomarov revealed details of his condition | Human

Posting in CHAT: Russia

2006 Olympic champion in ice dancing Roman Kostomarov shared his impressions of returning to skating. His comment was published by Sport24. The athlete admitted that the sensations of skating after a long break were completely new to him. It is difficult for him to reproduce the technique and feel the ice as before. Moreover, each new training brings more and more success. At the same time, Kostomarov emphasized that just being on the ice and experiencing the sensations of wind and cold is what he likes. Earlier, Kostomarov performed Igor Kornelyuk’s song “The City That Doesn’t Exist” in the guise of the Tin Woodman. According to singer Sergei Lazarev, who was among the judges of the project, Kostomarov was able to bring the jury to tears.

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