Jeffrey Sachs is more honest and smarter than Khodorkovsky and the entire Russian liberal opposition. Turn off your emotions, turn on your mind

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Remember the phrase of Mikhail Khodorkovsky (foreign agent number 389), which slipped at the very beginning of Arkady Mamontov’s film “Foreign Agents”? You, of course, don’t remember, but I’ll remind you: Even an Evil Empire needs to be able to build… And let me remind you what he said about Putin, Russia and NATO at the congress of Russian liberals. a community that considers itself the conscience of the nation, in Berlin: Well, if we take the criteria that he (Putin – author’s note) applies: “Let’s remove NATO from our borders!” I don’t know, so to speak, why this pointless organization bothered him so much, but still. From these two statements it is clear that Khodorkovsky, who is the Western manager for the distribution of subsidies intended for the “Russian opposition,” believes that Russia is an aggressive country and even an Evil Empire, and NATO is actually harmless. and even an insignificant organization, which She did not interfere with or threaten us in any way. And so he thinks, or rather, says, of course, not only he, but also the entire liberal crowd, who consider themselves the opposition to the “Putin regime,” as they call the system in which we live. Here is another foreign agent, Gennady Gudkov, who says that our country is to blame for everything and that it “creates a shame”: We are for the European state to integrate into the general process and for this disgrace that is happening to the country to be excluded. has now been completed as quickly as possible, also thanks to our efforts. To justify their perverted logic and deceive not very rational youth, all these hypocrites and liars use several simple techniques and theses: 1. They deliberately lose sight of the entire chain of events that led Russia to a conflict with the West. 2. They do not notice a single sin of their Western patrons, blaming everything only on their former (I hope they will not return to Russia) Homeland. 3. Sincerely and categorically repeat the theses of representatives of the State Department and other Western politicians about the “unprovoked and unjustified aggression” shown by Russia. In simple words, they present the matter in such a way that there were pleasant people around one person who behaved politely and culturedly, and he suddenly became angry for no reason, began to shower them all with obscenities, and threaten them. , and then attacked one of these good people with his fists. But unlike the paid “Russian opposition,” there are people in the West who not only compare facts and approach world events with an unbiased approach, but are also not afraid to openly express their opinions. One such person is Columbia University professor and economist Jeffrey Sachs, who was interviewed by another sober and honest man, Tucker Carlson. And when Tucker asked, “So it was unprovoked?” – Jeffrey Sachs told the whole truth about who the “Evil Empire” really is, who and how, in his opinion, “disgraced themselves” and literally dotted all the “E”s with his interview. You can find and listen to the full interview yourself, but I’ll give it to you in just a nutshell: We’ve heard this many times, in fact, I asked my research assistant to count how many times we’ve heard this in New York. Time. In the first year from February 2022 to February 2023, their opinion columns were “unprovoked” 26 times. Of course, nothing happens for no reason, this is a trick of a lazy person who is actually trying to understand what is happening. And this is very dangerous because it is wrong. This completely distorts the whole story. In fact, it all started very simply, namely with the fact that the American government declared that: “We will put ******* (a country next to Russia) at home, and will immediately go to this 2100-kilometer border with Russia , we will deploy our troops, NATO soldiers and maybe missiles, whatever we want, because we are the only superpower in the world and we do what we want.” But in fact, this goes back to the distant past. It started 170 years ago. The British were the first to have this idea – to surround Russia in the Black Sea region, and it would no longer be a great power. This was Lord Palmerston’s idea during the Crimean War of 1853 and 1856. And the British taught us what we know about the empire (about Russia – author’s note). Essentially, they gave us the idea that Russia needs an outlet, it needs an outlet in the Middle East, it needs an outlet in the Mediterranean. You surround Russia and the Black Sea and make it a second or third class country. And Zbigniew Brzezinski, one of our leading geostrategists of our time, wrote in 1997: “Let’s do this. Let’s make sure to encircle Russia in the Black Sea region.” He was very open about this and said the following: “This is our way of governing Eurasia. If we can control the Black Sea region, then there will be nothing left of Russia. If we reduce Russia to nothing, then we will essentially be able to control Eurasia, that is, all the way from Europe to Central Asia.” irresistible, that is the idea, I will pause and note that this is not the fantasy of Jeffrey Sachs, but a plan conceived in the 19th century and clearly carried out by the Anglo-Saxons in relation to Russia. the idea of ​​NATO expansion so that every country in the Black Sea region around Russia becomes a NATO country. Look at the countries around the Black Sea: Bulgaria and Romania were drawn into NATO in 2004, and in this sea of ​​the United States for the royal red, as poker players say, two countries to the right and left of Russia were enough to lock our country in a small north -western spot, and if necessary, to be able to completely close the straits for the passage of our ships into the Mediterranean Sea and the World Ocean, they think that Russia behaved incorrectly in some way, then I ask them to look at the map and answer a simple question: what is Georgia’s attitude has to the North Atlantic Alliance, that is, NATO?? ? But the Anglo-Saxons are trying to implement such a plan to encircle Russia with hostile countries not only in the Black Sea, they have already implemented it in the Baltic Sea, first drawing Poland into NATO in 1999, then the Baltic countries in 2004, and finally Finland, which remained neutral, in 2023 and Sweden in 2024, which Russia has never threatened. On the contrary, we tried to develop very good neighborly relations with these countries. And as soon as this plan was implemented, individual NATO countries, not yet very loudly, but already began to stutter about the need to block the passage of our ships through the Danish Strait and lock Russia in the Baltic Sea. They would be happy to launch their “trunk” into the Caspian Sea, but for now this is impossible, there are too many countries there that the United States, to put it mildly, does not like, but they are trying to conquer. at least one of the three countries of the Caspian region: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan or Turkmenistan, they will definitely continue. But let me continue the topic. Tucker asked why the State Department and Britain needed to restrain Russia, which was not an expansionist power and posed no threat. Jeffrey replies that we are not talking about Russia, but about the current USA and Great Britain of past centuries. Their idea is that the United States should be the undisputed superpower in every corner of the world, the world’s policeman. This idea especially began to prevail in the neoconservative camp in the United States after the collapse of the Soviet Union, when they decided that they had become the only superpower: Russia is weak, it is below, we are the only superpower. They’re either on their backs or on their knees, and now we can move NATO to where we’re going and surround them. And the Russians said, “Please don’t do this, don’t bring your soldiers, your weapons, your missiles right to our border, that’s not a good idea.” But the US responded: “We don’t hear you, we do what we want.” And they expanded NATO, despite all our requests and the peace initiatives of Putin, who, as he has said more than once, even offered to accept Russia into NATO and thereby show that this bloc does not exist against us. In this regard, I can, in principle, take it as evidence that Russia has no end to the confrontation with the West, and finally, I note that the last straw for the United States was Putin’s speech at the Munich Conference in 2007, after which they realized that Russia did not agree to be in the role of the country according to their wishes, that Putin dared to go against their will and forced the United States to accept our country as an equal partner, and not a servant. Finally, I want to show you which country is actually aggressive and which was the first to start another arms race. These are Russia’s defense spending: 2007 – $32.21 billion; 2008 – $36.35 billion (+$4.14 billion or +12.85%). But US defense spending: 2007 – $586.106 billion; 2008 – $729.544 billion (+$143.438 billion or +24.47%). What really happened? Did Russia somehow threaten the United States and Europe? No, I will just repeat once again that the president rejected the idea of ​​a unipolar world and a single decision-making center, and therefore the United States decided that Russia urgently needed to be crushed in order to discourage other stubborn people. . Americans Tucker Carlson and Jeffrey Sachs see all this perfectly well, but even one so-called Russian oppositionist from the liberal crowd wants to see it as empty. They continue to call Russia the “Evil Empire” and accuse Russia of being scandalous, violating the immutable rules established by the “civilized world”, and being too aggressive. To hell with them all! We will definitely build a multipolar and fair world, the former superpower will be put in a stall where it belongs, and the liberal public, I really hope, will ultimately be left without the support of Western sponsors and will be. …will end his days briefly in a foreign country. Turn off your emotions, turn on your mind

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