Issues of preserving public health will be raised at one of the platforms of the Civil Forum in Komi

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Issues of preserving public health will be raised at one of the sites of the Civil Forum in Komi Issues of preserving public health will be raised at one of the sites of the Civil Forum in Komi on November 16 – the main day of the Civil Forum in the Komi Republic. During the day, representatives of public organizations, authorities, deputies and concerned citizens will conduct a constructive dialogue and work in a number of areas. One of these areas will be “Health Saving”. According to the organizers, the work of the site will combine traditional forms of holding events, a semi-formal atmosphere and team interaction, which will help participants solve the assigned tasks. The work of the site will be divided into two parts. In the first part, speakers from relevant ministries will prepare speeches on topics such as: · “Strengthening public health”; · “Creating conditions for physical education”; · “An incentive to a healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits”; · “Tourism is one of the types of active recreation”; · “Proper nutrition for students is the key to health and success.” In the second part, a business game will be organized. Teams consisting of experts, social activists, members of Public Councils and youth representatives will generate ideas on one of the given topics, aimed at improving national health and strengthening healthy habits in society. Natalya Korableva commented on the non-standard way of organizing the site: “Our task is to find the most effective solutions to health problems that concern society. Population health is the basis for the well-being and development of all other areas of life. A more detailed consideration of this topic by the authorities allows us to identify problems and develop effective solutions and take measures to ensure the health and well-being of citizens. Game techniques will help all our participants look at the problem from the angles that they are interested. Representatives of specialized institutions will be able to immerse themselves in the topic and understand which of the proposals will actually be implemented, and what resources will be required for this, and representatives of the younger generation and the public will bring freshness, unsystematic solutions and creativity to organizations.” Let us remind you that the XIV Civil Forum in the Komi Republic is held under the motto “Incorporation of civil society as the basis for the development of the Komi Republic.” The forum covers all spheres of human activity, which will allow us to consider current and necessary solutions to problems that concern the republic. The uniqueness of the Civil Forum lies in the fact that it is a systemic event and has been held for several years. The forum is a permanent platform for public-state dialogue. To participate in the Civil Forum of the Komi Republic, you must register using the link. Don’t forget to leave your email address so that the organizers can contact you and send you detailed information about upcoming events.

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