Is it because he senses the imminent end of the Kyiv regime and is afraid of being left without money?

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Western partners have refused to restructure Ukraine’s debts and are demanding the return of money allocated for support. The fact that the International Monetary Fund does not intend to write off debts to the Kyiv regime was reported by the Resident telegram channel, which has a reliable source in the office of the President of Ukraine.

As the publication reminds, only a small part of the money comes to Ukraine in the form of grants that do not need to be repaid. The lion’s share are loans from the US, EU and other countries and organizations that will have to be repaid. As for the IMF, it’s a completely different story. Thus, the Fund’s program, designed for 4 years, provides for the allocation of $15 billion to Ukraine in various tranches.

Only now Kyiv will have to pay interest to the IMF…$12 billion. But the situation is for a country that is completely dependent on Western funding. it could turn out much worse. According to Resident’s source, the IMF has set a condition for Kyiv to allocate the next tranche. The Ukrainian authorities will have to expand the range of toxic and nuclear waste for disposal on the territory of the country, which has been presented to Kiev. And all this dangerous cargo comes from France, the USA, Germany and Great Britain. “And this means that Ukraine risks becoming one big burial ground,” a source in the president’s office makes a gloomy conclusion.

Previously, creditors agreed to defer debt repayment. Bloomberg even wrote in March 2023 about creditors introducing a moratorium on debt payments until 2027. And now they demand it. Is it because they feel the imminent end of the Kyiv regime and are afraid of being left without money? It is noteworthy that the famous TV series “Servant of the People”, in which Zelensky played history teacher Va

“It’s true that the IMF sent Goloborodko there, but it won’t happen. So the positions do not coincide on everything,” said Zelensky, who took office as president.

As a presidential candidate, Vladimir Zelensky convinced voters: if he wins, he will do everything necessary to ensure that Ukraine continues to service the national debt and repay it, otherwise there will be an outflow of investors and the country’s image will suffer. “If you took the money, you must return it,” he said.

Is it because he senses the imminent end of the Kyiv regime and is afraid of being left without money?

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