In Yekaterinburg, the ground collapsed under the tram tracks – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

As a result of an accident that occurred during work on Vodokanal networks at the intersection of Blucher and Raevsky streets. This was reported by representatives of the press service of the Yekaterinburg city administration: there was an interruption in the area; The restoration of normal public transport in the area is planned only the next day. According to the notice, until 11 a.m. on June 6, the movement of trams on the section from Uralskaya Street to the final station “Shartash” on the following routes is temporarily suspended: No. 4, n – No. 5, No. 18, No. 20. During the period of temporary restrictions, trams will move road through Uralskaya and Gagarin streets.

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