In Tomsk, the situation with garbage removal has worsened again. How will the problem be solved?

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Dmitry Kandinsky / The Tomsk administration will solve the problem of the waste recycling station on Vitsman Street. Local residents complain about the landfill. One option is to move all the junk into the hangar, but first it needs to be repaired. In recent days, the problem with garbage disposal in some areas has become even worse. What was the reason, the authorities still cannot say, they understand that it is necessary to find out, including whether this whole situation is artificially fueled on social networks? Temporary dump of old furniture. Or not only? It was previously reported that Tomsk residents living next to the landfill on Vitsmana Street, 32, complain about the stench and noise from the landfill. Deputy Igor Lyutaev said that the site is included in the territorial relocation scheme, according to which garbage collection is allowed on an area of ​​80 square meters. In reality, the footprint is much larger. Near the landfill there are multi-storey residential buildings and the private sector. On Friday, November 3, an off-site meeting was held on the territory of the landfill with the participation of the mayor of Tomsk Dmitry Makhini. Director of Spetsavtohozyaystvo Mikhail Kurilov said that the regional operator needed a gas station from the very beginning of work. In 2019, a site was found on Vysotsky Street where SAC had been working for two years. After complaints from a local resident, the owner of the site refused to rent it out; The receptionist began looking for a new place. As a result, a gas station was built at 32 Vitsman Street. At that time, the plot of land was already rented by SAH: containers intended to replace broken down and out of service equipment were also stored here. Alexey, a resident of the apartment building at 37 Vitsmana, told the journalist that the place where the garbage is dumped does not have a concrete surface, only an open area. According to Kurilov, the recharging point is necessary for the Special Vehicle Facility for normal operation, since there are not enough garbage trucks. “Now one car makes about six to eight trips around the city, bringing it here (to Vitzman). Then all this is loaded into a heavy-duty vehicle and transported to the landfill (in Surovo-Sukhorechye). If we stop doing this, the number of trips to landfills will decrease,” said the director of the SAKh. He emphasized that it is not food waste that is brought to the Vitsmani site, but bulky waste (CL) – old furniture, some kind of boards, in general, what people usually leave next to containers. Although you can see a lot of birds in this area. Dmitry Makhinya noticed that among the bulky waste there is still household waste. Mikhail Kurilov admits this and says that destruction measures (fighting rot) can be carried out periodically. According to him, regulatory authorities carried out inspections on site, “nobody saw rats here,” and no odors were detected. On the territory of the transfer station there is a hangar, which, in principle, can be used for storing waste, but the room is dilapidated and has no roof. Makhinja instructed Kurilov to draw up an estimate for the repair of the hangar and send it to the mayor’s office. “Since there are complaints from residents, we will solve this problem. The solution was determined on the spot; Recharging can be done in a hangar located on the territory. Now we need to work out his work. We will also return to finding a piece of land that will suit both the residents and the redevelopment operator,” the mayor told reporters. In general, the authorities believe that the situation will improve after the commissioning of a waste sorting complex. What happens again with garbage collection? In the last two weeks, residents of the Oktyabrsky district (especially Zhilmasovo, Zeleny Gorki, Solnechny) complained that their garbage was not being collected. This has led to overflowing trash cans and the formation of local landfills. The administration reported that they plan to control the schedule of the “Special Automotive Services” garbage trucks. And starting from the new year, they plan to force garbage collection operators to remove not only garbage from containers, but also garbage stored nearby. According to Dmitry Makhini, now the problem with garbage removal has begun to stabilize. When asked by one of the journalists if the mayor had a feeling that this whole situation was “heating up” on social networks and growing, Makhinya replied that she had such a feeling. “The decision (on the garbage problem) will be made carefully, taking into account everything, including goals, circumstances – availability of equipment, labor resources. We will solve this problem objectively and smoothly. Now I want to understand what happened, why there was a wave of complaints. I need to understand myself: after all, a systemic problem or situation, on the contrary, is always shown from a negative point of view. Give us a little more time, and we’ll figure it out,” “In particular, City Duma deputy Maxim Zabelin reported on problems with garbage. “In my area, the garbage started about a week and a half ago. Before this everything was relatively normal. If you look at the history since 2019.” , we constantly have problems four times a year – overfilling of landfills. Therefore, questions arise to the registrar about what went wrong. The standard explanation (“Spetsavtoservice”) for the Duma is low tariffs, lack of cars. In the Oktyabrsky district Now the situation has begun to improve, but littered there are still plots in the courtyards,” Zabelin told a correspondent. The editorial journalist tried to get a comment from Mikhail Kurilov, but he refused to speak on the spot and asked to discuss this topic separately another time.

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