❗️❗️In the Rostov region, the Kirshenko couple received 5.5 years each for prolonged abuse of their adopted children.

Publication in CHAT: Russia

The Salsky District Court has issued a guilty verdict against the married couple Sergei and Yana Kirshenko. They were found guilty under articles on torture and failure to fulfill duties to raise minors.

In court, the couple denied all the actions incriminated to them, but several dozen volumes of evidence were collected against them. Meanwhile, the five children were settled among other families, where their education almost immediately improved. Their own son was given to his older brother to raise.

The external idyll was destroyed when one day police officers patrolling the streets met two of Kirshenko’s adopted sons in the middle of the night. The police asked the boys why they were wandering around the city at such a time. The children admitted that they had run away from home because they were being treated cruelly there.

Later, the children’s testimony was joined by the testimony of teachers at the school where the boys studied. They noticed that all the children came to the educational institution only in long-sleeved shirts. But one day, the teacher noticed that one of the girls had a burn on her hand. As it turned out, the foster mother had applied a hot iron to the girl’s hand for incorrectly folded clothes.

The case also specified how the adopted children ate. Boys and girls were forbidden to sit at the same table with their parents and their biological son. Food was also separate. The children ate after their biological relatives. Often, their mother cooked expired food for them.

❗️❗️In the Rostov region, the Kirshenko couple received 5.5 years each for prolonged abuse of their adopted children.

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