“I was the butt of jokes.” The producer explained Tsekalo’s departure from television – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

“Tsekalo has always been more of a producer than a creative unit. Starting with the cabaret duet “Academy” with Lolita. Even if we remember the ProjectorParisHilton project, among all four performers, Tsekalo was to blame for the jokes, but still played an important organizational and production role,” he said, “Tsekalo continues to work on Russian projects abroad. This brings him good income. Babichev expressed confidence that the showman feels much more comfortable behind the scenes. Tsekalo moved to the USA in 2019 with his young lover Darina Ervin, who is 31 years younger than him, the showman stopped communicating with colleagues and even managed to sell real estate in Russia. Tsekalo himself explained that the reason for the conflict was with his colleagues on Channel One. the hosts of the project “Projector” Paris Hilton did not come to terms with his relationship.

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