Why do all people have different fingerprints? – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

The patterns on your fingertips are tiny ridges of skin. Human fingerprints begin to form before birth. As your baby grows, the outer layer of your skin becomes very smooth. But around 10 weeks, the deepest layer of your epidermis, called the basal layer, begins to grow faster than the skin above it, causing it to shrink. These folds inside cause the surface layers of your skin to also start to develop bumps. So by week 17, about halfway through your pregnancy, your baby will develop fingerprints that aren’t just the occasional “wrinkle.” They’re influenced by genes, like how quickly your skin develops and the size of your blood vessels. And the chemical environment inside your womb is also very important. But the design itself is “coded” by your body. A 2015 study found that fingerprints remain stable throughout your life. Even if you have a serious skin injury, your fingerprints will return to their original shape once the outer layer heals. But while scientists know how fingerprints are formed, they have a hard time understanding their purpose. The most common theory is that fingerprints provide friction, allowing for a better grip on objects. This makes sense, since many primates climb trees and have fingerprints. However, there are studies that show that fingerprints don’t actually help humans hold things… Another hypothesis is that they improve our sense of touch and help protect our fingers from injury. Unfortunately, scientists have yet to find direct evidence to support these 5 interesting facts about fingerprints. Fingerprints are found not only in humans, but also in many other animal species, although in ancient times they may have had different functions and meanings as seals for certifying contracts and other legal documents. Wax or clay was used for this. In the early 20th century, American criminologist William Herschel began using fingerprints to identify criminals. This was the first step towards using fingerprints in forensic practice. There are many ways to create fake fingerprints, but modern technology and authentication methods are becoming more reliable, making fingerprint collection a complex task. It can be part of a painting technique or a method of creating textured elements on a canvas.

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