How to wash old kitchen towels: this solution will remove greasy and stubborn stains

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Contrary to popular belief, it is not necessary to use expensive chemicals to remove stains from old kitchen towels; sometimes you can get by with affordable products. Experts talked about a solution that can easily deal with even greasy and difficult stains: first, take a small container and fill it with water. Then add mustard powder to the water and mix thoroughly to form a paste. Apply the resulting solution to the stains in a thick layer and leave the towels in this condition. After about four hours, simply rinse the solution with regular running water and you will soon notice that even the old stains have disappeared. To improve the effect, you can wash towels as usual. If you want them to stay soft, it’s best to do it by hand. However, in some cases, machine washing is also suitable.

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