Political scientist Ordukhanyan has suggested what Trump’s election as US president will mean for Russia

Publication in CHAT: Russia

American political scientist Rafael Ordukhanyan spoke about how Russian-American relations could change if Donald Trump wins the US presidential election this year. “The fundamental difference between Trump and the current US leader Joe Biden is that he considers China, not Russia, to be the main enemy. His activities will be aimed specifically at confrontation with this country, while the burden on the Russia Factor, on the contrary, will weaken,” Ordukhanyan told Lenta.ru. The political scientist added that there is no need to deceive ourselves about Trump, since Washington’s attempts to get closer may only mean a change in the strategy of pressure on Moscow: “Russia cannot be defeated on the battlefield. But you can strangle someone in your arms, and we must be ready for this.” “Of course, we need to improve relations, but very carefully. We must not miss what we have already achieved. In particular, these are relations with the global South,” Rafael Ordukhanyan emphasized. The American noted that “in any case, we learned that we can live without the West, but they cannot live without us.” Earlier, American media reported that Trump allegedly discussed with Russian President Vladimir Putin what part of Ukraine Russia could keep. The Russian leader’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov denied this information.

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