How to relax in Turkey on your own and how much will it cost? Traveling through Turkey like a savage by car – June 6, 2024

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Almost no Russian has ever set foot here Source: Anna Golubnitskaya / 74.RU The holiday has begun. And if you are still thinking about where to fly, the author of this material suggests… Turkey. What did I not see there, you might think – and you will be surprised! You probably don’t know this country like this: without a ghetto of all-inclusive holidays and drunken tourists under the code word “tagil”, but with an amazing cultural layer, the legacy of an ancient civilization. You will also find out what connects Turkey with Hollywood. And these are not beaches and sun-sea at all. We have prepared an unusual route for you – save it, use it and then share your impressions of how it all went. Non-tourist Turkey Traditionally, with the onset of warm days. Russians travel to the Mediterranean coast – to Antalya, Alanya or further west – to Bodrum. Lovers of sightseeing and shopping choose Istanbul and disappear in the eternal city for a week. But not many of our compatriots visited the west of Turkey – and they missed a lot. The museum is located in the village of Kazdagi. Ataturk lived in this place in 1934, and here the legend of Sarah Keys was born – a girl who survived in a wild forest with geese Source: Anna Golubnitskaya / 74. In RUS, you rent a car and drive south from the sea. Sea. The Sea of ​​Marmara and the Dardanelles Strait, your all-inclusive vacation from banal Turkey will become a visit to the Maldives and a trip to Greece at the same time. However, the Turkish taste and hospitality will not go away, and you may like it even more than the “everything you want to see in Bursa” hotel. Once this city was the capital of the Ottoman Empire, now the province of Bursa is one of the economic centers of Turkey. Many sights have remained here to this day. The ancient silk market has preserved authentic dishes. silk was sold here and imported from China. This craft is still alive, and you can endlessly look at scarves and fabrics in elegant colors. Here in the center there is a small historical mosque. The entrance to it leads down a high staircase according to the architect’s idea, this is a symbolic distance from the bustle of the world and a time to pay attention to the ancient silk bazaar in the center of Bursa Source: Anna Golubnitskaya / 74. RU Nearby is the Green Mosque, built by the first Ottoman settlers back in the 15th century . It is considered the most beautifully decorated mosque in Bursa. And near the Tophane clock you can admire the architecture, panoramic views of the city, drink tea or coffee in an authentic place with the aroma of coffee Source: Anna Golubnitskaya / 74.RU What is interesting What to do in Bandirma This small town is located on the southern coast of the Sea of ​​Marmara and is considered the “homeland » Turkish military aviation. Indeed, you can often see flying planes here. In the center of Bandirma everything is beautiful – Ataturk as a symbol of secularism, and the mosque as a fortress of spirituality Source: Anna Golubnitskaya / 74.RU, why it’s worth coming here at all – next to the city is the Kapi Dag peninsula and comfortable holiday villages, the islands of Marmara and Avsha The whole city is like this roses Source: Anna Golubnitskaya / 74.RU Like the Maldives: Kapydag. Peninsula. It can be reached from Bandirma by car in 20 minutes. The most famous settlement here is the small town of Erdek. We drove through it and stopped in the village of Ocaklar. At the entrance to the village there is an “ancient” arch dating from 1999. Source: Anna Golubnitskaya / 74.RU Local residents from Istanbul and other cities come here for peace and quiet. rest in the summer, as we do on the lakes of the region. You definitely won’t find noisy hotels with animation here, and we were, according to her memory, the only Russians who vacationed here. The quiet bay has a fenced pier for fishermen. Source: Anna Golubnitskaya/74.RU But the sea here is simply stunning, crystalline and plays with shades of turquoise. The beaches of the Kapydag Peninsula are a kind of perfection of nature! They are so similar to the Maldives that your photos on social networks in Narli will be the envy of all your friends. The water is still cool, but warmer than in summer in Uvildy Source: Anna Golubnitskaya / 74.RU This one, for example, is located in a village with the romantic name Narly (translated from Turkish as “pomegranate”). The other is in the village of Turanlar. A serpentine road leads to it along the sea, and these views are simply breathtaking. Some places have viewing platforms where you can stop and enjoy the splendor of nature. It’s a pity that the photo doesn’t convey all the beauty Source: Anna Golubnitskaya / 74.RU The road can be difficult and even dangerous for drivers with little experience. If the passes don’t scare you, the route will suit you. On the way to the peninsula, the views are stunning Source: Anna Golubnitskaya / 74.RU However, if you drive along winding, narrow and unfenced roads, this is not your strong point. Instead, follow the coast to Turanlar through the mountains. There the road is wider and surprisingly flatter, so the journey will take much less time. The water is crystal clear and the beach is not crowded. succumbing to the temptation of the brown sign (they inform about attractions), and stopped at Lake Nilüfer. It is famous for its water lilies, because the word itself is translated from Turkish as “lotus”, the lake is full of life, turtles, ducks and frogs live there. Both the lake and the park itself are a very atmospheric place, practically untouched by civilization. Scarlet poppies bloom here, fat geese walk calmly, and along the lake itself there are wooden decks for visitors. This was done to preserve the ecosystem Turtles row quickly in the water Source: Anna Golubnitskaya / 74.RU You cannot pick flowers – not only is it unethical, but you can also get an impressive fine of 244 thousand lire (that’s 622,413). rubles). In the evening, the white inflorescences are hidden, but you can see individual white inclusions among the greenery Source: Anna Golubnitskaya / 74.RU There is a whole colony of lotuses in the lake, and it’s better to come. here during the day: the white flowers close in the evening to the dull croaking of frogs. And colonies of turtles, both large and small, bask in the sun. A whole brood of wild ducks lurked nearby – both adults and young were fast asleep. The westernmost city of Turkey – Canakkale, a city on the banks of the Dardanelles, was the westernmost point of our route. Not only geographically, but also spiritually. And it’s not surprising: Greece is nearby, Bulgaria is a little further away. This sculpture took part in the filming of the Hollywood film “Troy.” Source: 74.RU reader After filming the film, they decided to donate it to the Turkish city. Çanakkale, now installed in the center on the embankment Source: Anna Golubnitskaya / 74.RU In the center of the city, on the embankment, a sculpture of the Trojan Horse is installed. This is not at all accidental, because events described in ancient Greek mythology took place in these places. The Trojan War lasted 10 long years, but did not bring victory to the Greeks. As a result, the cunning Odysseus proposed building a statue of a horse with a surprise. And in the shadow of the horse, stray dogs sleep at his feet. Source: Anna Golubnitskaya / 74.RU The statue in which Brad Pitt is hiding now stands in the center of Canakkale. It was this figure who participated in the filming of the Hollywood “Troy”, and then the filmmakers handed it over to Turkey On the territory of the military museum in CanakkaleSource: Anna Golubnitskaya / 74.RUMilitary museums and the history of the Battle of Canakkale. and Gallipoli – the cities surrounding the entrance to the Dardanelles – is what these places are generally famous for. In my opinion, there are more military museums here than anywhere else in Turkey. There are also beautiful free displays like this one created by a local potter. It is located in the center on the embankment, next to the State War Museum. There is another one where, in addition to exhibitions, you can visit inside a submarine. There is also a museum Source: Anna Golubnitskaya / 74.RU And sometimes the history of the battle takes on bizarre versions, for example, in graffiti. popular historical story This participant in the 1915 battle became famous for carrying 200-kilogram shells Source: Anna Golubnitskaya / 74.RU In Canakkale, we visited a local food festival. Right on the street in the center you could come up and get a treat – for free. The cooks smiled at the strangers and offered a whole bunch of flatbreads. Delicious There was a queue for free sweets Source: Anna Golubnitskaya / 74.RU In Turkey, each region has its own gastronomic function. In the province of Çanakkale, this is Ezine cheese, which is produced in the village of the same name, chickpea coffee and flatbread fried in oil – can you guess what kind of shoe this is? This is a telephone booth next to the stadium Source: Anna Golubnitskaya / 74.RUAncient city of Assos In this part of Turkey, the Greek influence is very noticeable, and many ancient cities have survived to this day. One of them is Assos, high in the mountains. What remains of the Temple of AthenaSource: Anna Golubnitskaya / 74.RU To get here, you need to walk to the village of Behram, and then climb the stone pavement, polished by thousands. feet The mountain offers a magnificent view of the sea – and the Greek islands Source: Anna Golubnitskaya / 74.RU Here are the ruins of the Temple of Athena, preserved to this day, they are located high above the sea. and from this point there is a wonderful view. There, very close, across the strait, is Greece. These stones have survived more than 20 centuries of war and earthquakes. Source: Anna Golubnitskaya/74.RU It’s worth planning a whole day to visit Assos and take water and a snack with you, especially if you. traveling with children There is a cafe only at the entrance, near the ticket office, and on the territory of the open-air museum there are only the ruins of an ancient city, a necropolis and a theater. All that remains of the once great city Source: Anna Golubnitskaya / 74.RU The amphitheater is surprisingly well preserved and has excellent acoustics Source: Anna Golubnitskaya / 74.RU Cost of travel A trip for two “savages” to Turkey is comparable to the cost of a trip to 4- 5 star hotel. Most of the money is spent on tickets – a flight to Istanbul. This place is called the altar of Zeus. The road here passes through the forest in the Kazdagi mountains. Here you will remember what it means to breathe deeply Source: Anna Golubnitskaya / 74.RU You can rent a car immediately upon arrival, at the airport. The rental price starts from 1867 liras (5232 rubles) per day. For this money you will get a car with a manual transmission – Renault Clio 5 or Renault Symbol. It is worth remembering that most companies have a mileage limit of 300 kilometers per day. The road is laid along the sea, so you can admire a lot along the way Source: reader 74.RU The price of gasoline now varies from 42.5 to 44.2 liras per liter 95 depending on the region. In total, we spent about 5,000 liras (13,893 rubles) on fuel for the entire trip. Authentic Turkish breakfast Source: Anna Golubnitskaya / 74.RU We spent about 15 thousand liras (41,679 rubles) on food and accommodation for a week for two. us The average bill in a cafe or restaurant without alcohol is 500–600 liras (1390–1667 rubles). We stayed in cheap guesthouses or apart-hotels, prices ranged from 900 to 1000 liras (2500–2778 rubles) per room, without breakfast, and for one night we took a room for 1500 liras (4167 rubles) with breakfast. I liked it Yes, one disappointment No, but I really want it. If you’re looking for an alternative to a beach holiday, you can organize an independent trip to Istanbul – we’ve told you how. The city is especially beautiful in spring and autumn, and also pleases buyers in all four seasons. And if you have time left after visiting the main attractions, visit authentic Kilyos: mass tourists do not come here, but reading which regions of Turkey are cheaper and which are more expensive is also in vain. But here’s what you can do in Turkey in the so-called “off-season”, because Antalya is not just a beach holiday, but an all-inclusive resort. Northern Cyprus remains accessible to Russians in terms of budget, flights and visas. It’s almost Türkiye, only cooler. To get here, you only need a foreign passport, and you can ask for a border crossing stamp to be placed on a special insert.

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