How to quickly remove alcohol from your body so you can drive in the morning

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Is there a way to quickly remove alcohol from the body? Probably everyone has asked themselves this question at least once. In fact, this question is not at all trivial. Of course, there are ways to quickly sober up… True, as often happens in our lives, “there is a nuance,” and in this case it is not the only one to answer the question of how to quickly get rid of it. alcohol from the blood, we have to find out how long it remains in the body and how it leaves it. Let us remember that intoxication occurs as a result of ethyl alcohol and its breakdown products entering the blood. Ethanol is produced by the human body itself in small quantities, and therefore we naturally have mechanisms that allow us to “recycle” this substance over time. They can be roughly divided into two large categories – mechanisms that remove alcohol and mechanisms that break down alcohol. Ethyl alcohol is excreted from the body through the lungs, skin, and also with urine if necessary. True, there is a small “but”. During alcohol intoxication, all these and some other similar mechanisms remove the absolute minimum of toxic substances. Most alcohol is broken down by oxidation and subsequent conversion into acetic acid, also necessary for the body to function, which then breaks down into water and carbon dioxide. The liver is responsible for the process of breaking down ethanol in the human body, and it is the liver that uses most of the mood-lifting poisons. people First of all, the rate of “use” is influenced by the state of the body, human health: body weight, excess weight, chronic diseases, genetic predisposition and liver condition. The gender of a person has a significant influence on the rate of elimination/decomposition. Men usually sober up faster than women. On average, representatives of the stronger half lose 0.1-0.15 ppm per hour. Representatives of the fair half – 0.08-0.1 ppm per hour. To understand: according to the law, drunkenness is considered to be the presence of 0.3 ppm in the blood. Of course, you shouldn’t expect that you are completely healthy and will sober up in 3 hours. In addition, in addition to the blood alcohol content, there are requirements for the alcohol content in the exhaled air. And these values ​​do not always have a direct linear relationship… As for the answer to the question posed, it is almost impossible to speed up the process of removing or splitting ethyl alcohol. The only truly effective way is to provide medical care to a person in a hospital with the installation of a special dropper filled with rheopolyglucin, glucose and some other special substances. The only problem is that such drips are placed only in cases where a person needs to be saved from severe alcohol poisoning that threatens his life and health. Others, including “craft” methods of accelerating metabolism, do not have a significant effect on the elimination process. Only theoretically, succinic acid, other vitamin pharmaceutical preparations, as well as activated carbon can help you faster. True, it is also not recommended to “indulge” in pills, since a person may have some contraindications. For example, succinic acid cannot be used for peptic ulcers (and not only). And also, in theory, various “mother-in-law’s advice” in the spirit of increasing physical activity (only if everything is very good with your heart!), as well as drinking a hot decoction with cumin and cinnamon, and walking in the fresh air. and drink plenty of warm water, help the separation process. The effectiveness of any such “sobering up” method is seriously adjusted by the general state of health and the individual characteristics of the body. Therefore, you should not count on them yet. This means that if you need to get up in a few hours, the best decision is not to drink alcohol at all.

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