How Omsk courtyards flooded after heavy rain and hail – May 22, 2024 – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Maybe it’s better to swim Source: Evgeniy Sofiychuk Today, May 22, heavy rain and hail covered Omsk. The bad weather did not rage for long, but even during this short time it managed to leave behind a wonderful trail, or rather, huge puddles and mud. What Omsk courtyards look like this evening – in a photo report by Evgeniy Sofiychuk The hail fell on Omsk, but residents of not all districts witnessed this phenomenon. According to our data, precipitation was noticed in the Lines area, next to the circus and in the very center Source: Evgeniy Sofiychuk Interesting visual effect. It’s as if we were back in winter again Source: Evgeny Sofiychuk Very soon the hail melted, but impassable puddles remained on the streets as a reminder of it and the rain Source: Evgeny Sofiychuk This sofa looks like a cargo ship in the middle of the Irtysh Source: Evgeny Sofiychuk This is a plus – cars were washed under rain. But there is also a minus – they can be damaged by hail Source: Evgeniy Sofiychuk And here comes the rainbow! Be that as it may (although in some places Omsk residents noticed a real one in the sky) Source: Evgeniy Sofiychuk It seems it’s time to launch boats on the streams Source: Evgeny Sofiychuk For someone, leaving the entrance today is like passing a test in the Fort Boyard program Source: Evgeny Sofiychuk

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