How and where in Russia they make the best plywood in the world. SPHERICAL – Russia today

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Who would have thought that the familiar plywood is actually a unique, super-strong material, and Russia makes it better than anyone else. Let’s find out how this happens and where the best plywood in the world is produced. Valuable raw materials The best plywood is birch, this type is produced only in Russia. Birch is a very valuable species; it is protected and protected from drying out in the sun. For comparison, birch does not grow in the USA, and plywood there is made from softer pine. “The majority of Russian plywood enterprises are located in forest regions with developed infrastructure – the North-Western, Central districts, the Urals and Siberia. During the Great Patriotic War, industry supplied plywood for the needs of the front and rear. Today Russia exports more than 50% of its plywood production to the USA, Canada and the European Union,” writes the website. The city of Kirov is one of the centers of the timber industry. Starting early in the morning at the Vyatka plywood mill, birch enters the plant in the form of logs cut into equal parts to create this unique Russian product. They are used to make something like bundles, which are secured with massive metal chains. hot water to steam it. The water appears brown due to the resin that the birch tree produces. It protects the wood from rotting. After some time, the blackened logs are removed to equalize the temperature and allow the heat to distribute deeper into the room. magazines. The wood softens and can now be cleaned by removing the bark and layers of wood from the tree in a spiral pattern. These layers are called milk. The thinnest milk is produced in Russia. The milk is then cut into leaves and dried. A special device finds and cuts out areas with traces of bark or knots and places the pieces in their place. Smart machines glue high-quality linen fabrics at the seams. Making plywood Laminate is made from glued layers of veneer. One sheet of plywood has an odd number of layers. Even layers are glued together with special glue. The layers of milk are laid with fibers perpendicular to each other, which gives the plywood additional strength. Next, cold and hot pressing are performed. The resulting plywood cannot be broken with a blow – it bends under the blow and regains its strength. Plywood, familiar to all of us since childhood, turns out to be a unique, super-strong material. There is no waste during production – everything defective is sent to the production of fiberboard (fibreboard) or fuel briquettes, as well as to thermal power plants. “Despite the apparent complexity of plywood production technology, today it is one of the most profitable types of business in woodworking. Having even a minimal fleet of machinery and equipment, you can build a production facility capable of producing competitive products and generating stable profits,” writes the website But this is not all the processes; the products at the Vyatka plywood mill are the cheapest in the industry. Plywood can also be used to create a more durable laminate, or delta wood. Sliding bearings and silent gears are made from such wood. It can even replace bronze. The material resists any impact, does not crack or stretch. The secret of strength is in the bakelite resin with which all layers are impregnated – it can reach hundreds, which even wood can do. be used underwater. In the Soviet Union, lightweight and durable wood was used to make the fuselage and wings of military aircraft, such as the first all-wood Soviet fighter aircraft, nicknamed “Royal”. “The use of one or another production technology makes it possible to obtain a material with specified technical parameters. The production of material for formwork or temporary structures is possible from any raw material. But for shipbuilding or the manufacture of light aircraft hulls, bakelite plywood is suitable. We need one that is not inferior to aluminum in its physical and mechanical properties. For this, only high-quality linden or birch is used, with a minimum number of knots. The process of gluing and drying leaves is carried out under strict temperature control. and humidity,” writes the website SPHERE

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