“Gulchatai! Open your face!” About the ban on wearing the niqab and burqa. Turn off your emotions, turn on your mind

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Here, after all, there were people quite close to the top who raised the issue of banning wearing the niqab in Russia, because this headdress, which almost completely covers the face and has only a narrow slit for the eyes, is not a mandatory attribute in Islam, but it is a sign of obligation. Those who wear such clothes or force their women to wear them are subject to Sharia. The head of the Human Rights Council under the President, Valery Fadeev, called for a ban on wearing the niqab in Russia. But the initiative was criticized by Moscow Mufti Ildar Alyautdinov, who warned that it could cause discontent among Muslims in Russia. It is interesting that the Mufti of Moscow did not pay attention to the fact that recently a corresponding decision was made in Tajikistan, where the majority of citizens are Muslims. Similar measures have been taken in Uzbekistan, and there are similar initiatives in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan; In European countries: France, Belgium and Denmark, a ban has been introduced on wearing the niqab in public places. Also, as they say, Deputy Gilmutdinov said in the sense that a radical ban on wearing niqabs in the Russian Federation will aggravate the situation, and this issue must be resolved gradually, through negotiations with the leaders of religious organizations and communities (read diaspora). . But I’m interested in who are the owners of our country: the people (1), religious organizations (2), which according to the Constitution seem to be separated from the state, and/or the diaspora (3) – in my opinion. , illegal, but for some reason existing in our multinational country, in Russia there are ethnic associations, certain forces promoting the interests of citizens and non-citizens of certain nationalities, but always in conflict with the indigenous population, and not with the law? So, perhaps, in order not to worsen the situation in the country, we will soon have to negotiate with religious organizations and diasporas whether we can perform a pagan ritual – burning a straw effigy of Winter on Maslenitsa, or New Year. An annual holiday that they have already tried to cancel, without consulting anyone, but simply demanding: Migrants, whose children have filled Russian schools, are trying to disrupt the festive events dedicated to the New Year. Guests from Central Asia and Transcaucasia are unhappy that Russians “worship the tree,” which, in their opinion, is a sin. Tsargrad columnist Yulia Banishevskaya sternly but honestly explained why niqabs should be banned in Russia: “If you have nothing to hide, show your faces. If you don’t want to show your face, well, welcome back to your countries.” And I completely agree with her. But I’m interested in how Alyautdinov and Gilmutdinov propose that our police should act if they receive information that some woman in a black niqab hit a Russian woman and caused her serious bodily harm. The police patrol receives a tip that the criminal was wearing a niqab and then they see a wanted person… or rather a bunch of wanted people. in this case, two policemen, a respected deputy and a respected mufti, are doing this, I think they will advise the police to contact the diaspora to help find the criminal. Of course, diasporas will help, there is no doubt about that… just not for. police, and the criminal… escape. Let me remind everyone that we have a secular state, and I will also remind you that the citizens of our country are constantly exposed to terrorist attacks, and assist criminals and criminals who, by covering their faces, can successfully do both. their intended crime, and to avoid capture and arrest, we don’t need it. Therefore, without further ado, we, as the owners of our country, must say to visitors: “Get out, open your face!” Otherwise, one day Gyulchatay, walking after some girl in a dark alley, may turn out not to be Gulchatay, but Abdullah: I would like something similar to what I wrote about to not happen, and a ban on niqabs and burkas to be introduced our. legislators preventively and without consultation with religious figures and diasporas, but, remembering our saying, I’m afraid that the deputies will not signal before the thunder. Turn off your emotions, turn on your mind https://dzen.ru

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