Friday “Hundreds of Baltimore Homes for a Dollar. Free for good shooters!” Lemanbro2024

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“Baltimore plans to sell boarded-up houses for $1 each in an attempt to revitalize neighborhoods plagued by crime and blight. The program, backed by Mayor Brandon Scott, will offer more than 200 vacant city properties to residents who commit to renovating and the 1970s “dollar house,” which offered homeowners a dollar if they renovated it. A similar trial was also conducted in Newark, New Jersey. Baltimore’s program is designed to benefit individual buyers rather than developers, who would have to pay $3,000 per home. According to, some nonprofits have called on the city to install barriers to prevent most homes from being rented. developers who could raise prices and drive out poor residents. Although the housing program targets a few hundred homes, there were about 15,000 abandoned properties in Baltimore as of 2022, according to city officials. Other elements may be included later.” lehmanbro2024

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