Foreign agents want to destroy Russia in our favor, but we, fools, did not understand them. Turn off your emotions, turn on your mind

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The majority of foreign agents who left Russia not only want, but crave the collapse of the country. But in reality they are fighting for the minds of our youth and some of them are simply getting rich by subsidizing our country with subsidies, while others are hoping to come back and become the new government after these youth they have deceived can overthrow the current government. This means that they must somehow justify and connect the incoherent, they must explain to their followers in Russia why the collapse of the country is not bad, but in fact good, and it is precisely this benefit that they bring to the Russians. they are fighting. They cannot directly say that they want the collapse to make the life of Russians worse, otherwise their electorate will begin to think about the question: Why do we support these creators, because if they come to power and do what they say, it will become worse. for us? That is why foreign agents have put forward a theory according to which the collapse of Russia should not lead to anything other than the prosperity of our people. But more on that below, but for now I’ll show how these “new Smerdyakovs,” who, apparently, should only evoke a feeling of disgust among Russians, continue to find their own kind and recruit them. And the followers they recruited, unlike them, will return to Russia and again begin their subversive activities among young people. They are creating a new army of collaborators and rebels. Ekaterina Shulman: So, the American Johns Hopkins University is even recruiting students… In general, how are things going there… Lucky, the opportunities have increased for a number of reasons, and they are recruiting, and they even have scholarships, and they are also accepting people with Russian passports. Quite a wide range of specialties. But in general it is mainly international relations, political science and law. Studying in English is of course very pleasant at the Bologna campus. Further about the fact that “you are from Russia, we will not take you.” Oh God, we are not fighting with students, on the contrary, we want to get students out of there so that they do not go there to join the army, do not sign a contract, do not go to war, but instead study in Europe. . And then, so wonderful and educated, I speak for myself, they would return. And they will be of great benefit there… What will they be taught there? Of course, they will teach them to “love their Motherland” and screw their brains that their Motherland must be destroyed out of love for it. And who will benefit the most? Well, of course, not the USA, not Britain or Europe, they will benefit Russia by overthrowing the power of the “tyrant” – they will bring us democracy! Your opinion? But in addition to recruiting migrants, they are very successful in finding and zombifying young people inside our country, turning them into rebels. Eduard Charlotte spoke about how this process happened to him, who, however, did not commit sabotage on Russian territory, but, having been successfully zombied by the same propagandists, went to Georgia, burned his Russian passport on video, renounced citizenship and at the same time renounced citizenship. said a lot of bad things about Russia. After many months of wandering abroad, something finally clicked in his head, and he returned home, despite the fact that he was facing criminal penalties here. Here’s what he told the film crew: I watched and, frankly, immersed myself in the environment of the Russian opposition, namely Mikhail Khodorkovsky*, Maxim Kats*, Kamikaze Di* – this is a blogger who literally calls for the destruction of various strategic ones. objects on the territory of our country, and many people are looking at it. You see, they said the way it was all filmed, that… Well, it was very carefully thought out, it seems to me, by American propaganda, that I followed this, because they simply painted me, well, as a hypnotist. He must have been under some kind of hypnosis. That is, they all broadcast a certain agenda, the search for victims in our country to commit crimes, and this victim turned out to be me. It became harder and harder for me to be away every day. I came here to be responsible. I don’t see the meaning of life in other countries, I didn’t find anything there, and I had a deceptive feeling of some bright, different life, for which a large number of my comrades fled. When it touched me from the other side, it became completely unbearable for me, and I realized that the best thing I could do was to meet fate halfway and face what it had in store for me, because outside of our country I was definitely alive. days in vain… America did not save the money obtained for the collapse of Russia. From 2012 to 2018 alone, they spent $9 billion on funding NGOs in Russia. Anna Mongait*, a journalist for the Dozhd* TV channel, told us who pays them the money: And, naturally, we have donors. We are talking about many different foundations that now consider it important to help Russian independent media as a result of indirectly influencing politics in Russia, so that alternative information reaches people, and maybe, in some sense, even these people. wants to change his destiny… Do you understand how easily and freely this journalist distorts concepts? And if you don’t even think a little about the words spoken to her, and some don’t, then everything sounds quite coherent and reasonable. And if you think about the meaning of what was said? The idea is that certain unnamed foundations help “independent” Russian media shape public opinion in Russia. So, are these media outlets foreign agents and are they independent if they receive money from some foreign foundations? And if they start saying something truly independent, will the foundations withdraw their support? Yes, of course, they will deprive me. That is, they adhere to the propaganda line outlined by their sponsors, technologically zombify not very rational and very emotional, and therefore the most active people in Russia, so that they change power, and even better – destroy Russia, because: Unfortunately, Russia is so gigantic in terms of scale, money and self-awareness of his size, a monster that it is very difficult for him to overcome this within himself. Russia thinks about itself… Everything is fine in it. Its dimensions are large, our entire culture was large, everything about us is large, and now it is impossible to come to terms with the fact that the world has a different attitude towards its size, that all this is now considered large. People inside the country simply cannot come to terms with this. They grew up in such an upbringing that they have everything good. This is apparently some kind of virus, it’s very complicated… Wait! Which “whole world” is viewed differently? The whole world understands both the dimensions (cultural, moral, territorial, military, economic and scientific) and the role of Russia in the world, and also realizes the key role of our great country in creating a new world order. But the United States and its pig allies are trying to belittle the role of Russia with their brain-beaks, like this Anna Mongait. They hope to instill this idea in the minds of Russian youth in order to defeat us from within, just like what happened to the Soviet Union. And I would also like to ask about this. Do other countries educate their youth differently? Wasn’t every young person in America raised to believe that their country was the greatest and only superpower? Or is it somehow different in China? But for some reason Mongait focuses specifically on Russia, as if not understanding that the same thing is happening in other countries, and most importantly, in the USA. It turns out that they can praise their imaginary greatness, but we cannot praise our real greatness? What, Anna, do foundations pay money just to mock the greatness of Russia? And I understand that she is not the only one who expresses exactly the same opinion. I recently heard the same thing literally word for word from Artur Smolyaninov (article about this here). In general, friends, these smart guys, and you can’t call them anything else, received a new allowance and began to hammer into the heads of young Russians a new attitude, as they say in the West, a story: Russia is too big. – this is its problem, so it is necessary to divide it into several republics and then Happiness will come for the Russians and democracy will triumph!!! Therefore, I urge parents to talk more often with their children on this topic, to explain to them all the cynicism and deception of these “independent” media and bloggers, and also to explain what the collapse of Russia could lead to, although I think. I will also write an article about this. Turn off your emotions, turn on your mind ⚡ Subscribe to our Telegram channel so as not to miss all the important articles and videos that we publish:

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