For ratings and entertainment, a cruel man threw a kitten from a height. – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Yaroslav is an unusual resident of Tyumen, who has stood out among the rest for several years now. He is not just distinguished by some little thing or manner of behavior.

He is interested in women’s clothes and wears them himself. In addition, he has a great weakness for animals. He does not hesitate to abuse his cats to earn extra money. Recently he decided to make money on his gray purebred cat, with whom he lived together for more than 3 years. In his latest video, he grabbed the animal by the skin and threw it out of the window from the 8th floor. “Grishka” fell very badly. He didn’t get up again.

Yaroslav’s laughter was heard behind the scenes as the cat convulsed and lay on the asphalt. There is no exact information whether he survived. Soon his angry haters will come to him.

For ratings and entertainment, a cruel man threw a kitten from a height.

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