During the terrorist attack in Belgorod on May 12, 19 people were injured. – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

In Belgorod, search and rescue work continues at the site of the collapse of the entrance to a ten-story building. According to preliminary information, a total of 19 people were injured in the city, including two children. The dead have not yet been found. The governor of the Belgorod region, Vyacheslav Gladkov, announced this in his Telegram channel on Sunday, May 12. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, a terrorist attack against residential areas of the city of Belgorod using the Tochka-U tactical missile system, Alder multiple launch rocket systems and RM-70 Vampire was carried out around 11:40 on Sunday, May. 12. Reflecting the attack, Russian air defense systems destroyed six Tochka-U missiles, four Vampire MLRS and two Vilkha MLRS missiles. Fragments of one of the downed Tochka-U missiles damaged a residential building in Belgorod. There are 40 apartments in the collapsed entrance. During the evacuation of residents of the affected apartments and removal of garbage, a partial collapse of the roof occurred. According to the latest data from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, 16 people have already been rescued. All victims were transported by ambulance teams to medical institutions in Belgorod. Of these, six people were sent home on an outpatient basis, having received the necessary medical care. Earlier, the governor of the Voronezh region, Alexander Gusev, expressed condolences in connection with the tragedy in Belgorod. The head of the region noted that there is no justification for such crimes of the Kyiv regime against civilians. Did you notice the error? Select it with the mouse and press Ctrl+Enter.

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