Day of Jewish Knowledge “The values ​​we cherish” – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Jewish organizations in St. Petersburg have been celebrating the “Day of Jewish Knowledge” for the tenth year as part of the Festival of Jewish Culture “World Day of Jewish Knowledge,” which unites more than 700 Jewish communities around the world. The theme of the festival is “The values ​​we hold dear.” During this holiday, Jews of different backgrounds, life experiences and adherents of different branches of Judaism share the joy of learning and gaining knowledge. Guests can enjoy open lectures on Jewish classical texts, a theater program, an art program, cooking classes, Hebrew lessons, activities and entertainment for children and schoolchildren. What does compassion, care, tradition, continuity, education, respect for elders, family mean? Participants in the event, together with speakers, children’s and theater groups, culinary specialists, artists and musicians, will discuss, argue and look for answers to these and other questions. A detailed program of events can be found on the event website. You must register to visit. Residents of other cities will be able to join classes online.

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