Crimean athletes will not go to the Olympics in Paris – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Athletes from the Republic of Crimea will not go to the 2024 Olympics in Paris. The head of the region, Sergei Aksenov, announced this in his Telegram channel. “The International Olympic Committee betrayed the Olympic principles and became an instrument of political revenge and settlement of parties with countries disliked by the West. They don’t hide it,” Aksenov said. The head of Crimea emphasized that Western politicians openly demonstrate their Russophobic and racist orientation. views on Russian and Belarusian athletes, aimed not only at banning, but also at humiliating individuals and the nation as a whole.” Therefore, my personal opinion: there is no need to go to the Olympics. I don’t understand those who really want to go there,” Aksenov concluded. Earlier, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said that IOC President Thomas Bach entered into a political, administrative and criminal conspiracy in order to eliminate strong sports competitors from among the number. We recall that earlier the press secretary of the head of state Dmitry Peskov said that the decision of Russian athletes to go to the Olympics is necessary respect, as they will not be allowed to compete under the national flag. This does not mean that the country will not be proud of its victories, the Kremlin representative emphasized.

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