Correlation. ZIL | Russian • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

When dealing with the causes of all the current chaos and turmoil, many people see individual manifestations, situations, problems, actions, etc. But they cannot grasp the whole picture and understand/realize the root/fundamental causes of everything that is happening before their eyes. Therefore, all discussions boil down to an endless retelling of individual events/phenomena/actions/problems. Moreover, different points of view on each individual issue may be completely correct, but the problem is that they are completely uncorrelated with the overall picture. And everything is drowning in this discussion “what is an elephant”? Flexible hose? Something like a tree? Snake? A wall of wrinkled skin? Yes, yes – this is exactly how several blind sages talk about the elephant. Although they are wise, since the big picture is not available to them, their descriptions have nothing to do with reality. Well, now I will try to explain all this to you. The main reason for everything that happens is imbalance. Immediately after World War II, American industry accounted for ~50% of the world’s industry, and with such a share it was guaranteed to control at least half of the world. It was then and on this foundation that the United States finally “broke” the British Empire. But there is a nuance here – for this you already need help. Even this powerful potential was not enough. And help was provided – from the Soviet Union. And since then, the United States has been confidently moving towards hegemony. But there is a nuance here – for this it was necessary to accept the economic model of Reaganomics. And in this model, the price of hegemony was the compression of the industrial potential of the United States itself. Those. The price of hegemony was the destruction of the industrial potential of the metropolitan country. Today, according to various estimates, the share of American industry in the world is ~8-12%. You yourself see that a country with such an industry cannot manage not only half the world, but even any significant part of it. Before the collapse, the Soviet Union had a share of ~24-26% in global industry. But he ruled just over a third of the world. And – “reached out.” The same thing is happening with America. The industrial potential of the United States today is not even sufficient to depreciate or, in other words, maintain the existing infrastructure in working order. Hence the fall of trains from bridges (and some of the railway bridges are wooden), explosions in various industries, etc. This is what happened here in the 90s. So what kind of dominance over the world if you have a bare ass at home, figuratively speaking? There is another projection of the same imbalance. And the key is the imbalance of the Force. The financiers who came to power suppressed everyone else, so that neither industrialists nor anyone else was among the decision makers. Monopolized power. Monopolization of power leads to monopolization of ideas. There is a “party line” and that’s it, you have no alternatives. And to solve crisis situations, we need other ideas and other points of view. But they are not there – they were exterminated. But it is impossible to solve the crisis within the “party line”. And all attempts to reform the system lead to its destruction. The funny thing is that they had a chance – by accepting Trump’s program, they could begin to restore the industrial potential, if not of the United States, then at least on the scale of AUCUS. But then the same monopolization of ideas intervened – Trump was never able to bring the second part of his program into the public sphere. Who: But this – the United States was faced with a choice: either to save the world dollar system at the cost of the final “murder” of American industry, or to save American industry at the cost of the “murder” of the world dollar system. The real point is that such a program only works if and only if both parts of the program are implemented. If you have already decided to profit from Yuexi, be kind and destroy the world dollar system. One cannot exist without the other. But the “party line” even for the “rebel” Trump turned out to be too important and inviolable. And here we are, as our brothers say. Imagine a public company. Each shareholder has as many votes as he can control in the world in accordance with his industrial potential. No shareholder will be satisfied that one of them, with 12%, has the same votes as if he had 40%. Such a shareholder will be quickly moved to its rightful place. According to your capabilities. This is what we are now seeing in the process of execution. And all specific issues – Ukraine, Myanmar, Indonesia, Israel, Armenia, etc. – all follow from the main question. This is a specification of the main process in relation to special cases and conditions. ZIL

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