Contact the media. The AiF estate hosted a PR summit for NGO leaders

Publication in CHAT: Russia

Selfless help and social orientation are becoming important trends in society. The Argumenty i Fakty publishing house contributes to its development not only through information. The AiF Charitable Foundation has been in existence for almost 20 years. Dobroe Serdtse, which helps sick children. We participate in the process and know it both from the inside and outside. Therefore, we see what problems blue sphere leaders face when building communications with government institutions, including the media, and we help them with this. The new special project PR-accelerator Formula of Success, supported by the Presidential Grants Fund, is a course of lectures and a master class by experts in journalism, PR and marketing for blue sphere specialists. 25 video lectures are posted on the project website: There, 100 NPO leaders took a master class, each of whom prepared 5 materials necessary for promoting their projects and events in the information space of the PR-accelerator project Formula of Success. The PR summit, which brought together participants — representatives of non-profit organizations from various regions of the country — ended on July 19 at the AiF estate. The plenary session discussed the topic: “Formula for Success: the Role of the Non-profit Sector as a Driver of Economic Development. Promotion of Socially Significant Content: the State, the Media, and NPOs — Growth Points.” The discussion was attended by: Ruslan Novikov, CEO of the Argumenty i Fakty Publishing House; Natalya Galanina, Press Secretary of the Presidential Grants Fund; Kirill Rodin, Director for Work with Government Agencies at the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM); Alina Yashina, Deputy Chairperson of the Board of the Dobro.RF Association; Alexander Vetrov, author and host of the Addresses of Mercy program on Mayak Radio; Natalya Vladimirovna Tyurina, Head of the Education and Social Sphere Projects Department, Head of the Social Navigator Project of the international media outlet Russia Today, CEO of the AiF Charitable Foundation. “About half of our country’s population does not understand what NGOs do and what we talk to them about. But the other half have become our allies,” Ruslan Novikov, CEO of the Argumenty i Fakty publishing house, opened the plenary session. “Presidential grants are only 7 years old, but it seems like a whole era has passed, because today’s summit ends with the largest AiF project. Non-profit organizations – “Formula of Success” And our new project, which has already begun, will unite all the previous ones. We have a colossal, but at the same time pleasant job ahead of us. Everything that concerns good is a pious deed. It is with an open soul and an open heart.” Plenary session of the PR summit “Formula of Success”, CEO of the AiF Publishing House Ruslan Novikov. Photo: AiF/Irina Ame Press Secretary of the Presidential Grants Fund Galanina told what has happened since the foundation was created: “Over 7 years, 750 thousand publications about projects supported by the Fund have been published in various media outlets, from city to presidential. federal subsidies. These figures indicate that the activities of the non-profit sector are of interest to society. It is important for NGOs to become newsmakers themselves, producing interesting and high-quality content,” she said. “When posts about NGO projects just started appearing on the foundation’s social networks, it takes a long time to select images and collect information from reports. Today, according to Medialogy, social networks are filled with 10 thousand unique posts every month. It is important to support NGO leaders. They are not just nice people, but professionals and experts in their field. You need to know about them and their activities.” Natalia Galanina, Press Secretary of the Presidential Grants Fund. Photo: AiF/Irina Ame Kirill Rodin, Director of Government Relations at VTsIOM, cited sociological data characterizing the popularity of the non-profit sector In “About 52% of Russians say they have never heard of NPOs. This means that the non-profit sector is poorly represented in the information field,” NPO believes, why this is an important area of ​​life In order to develop effectively, it is necessary to work more actively with the media, where there is a huge resource. Moreover, young people are better informed about the activities of non-profit organizations than other age groups. actions.” Kirill Rodin, Director of Government Relations at VTsIOM. Photo: AiF/Irina Ame Alexander Vetrov, author and host of the Addresses of Mercy program on Mayak radio, responded by recalling the times of 10 years ago, when fame at the 2% level was a holiday for a non-profit organization. sector Therefore, he is optimistic about the VTsIOM data: a huge step forward has been made. “The Addresses of Mercy program was launched 24 years ago. I remember how we came to the media with a proposal to start talking about NGOs. And they answered: “What is an NGO and what is it for?” Since then, everything has changed. I see how this story is blossoming brighter and brighter,” he added. “For example, the podcast from Samara thundered throughout the country – I understand that we are great, we told them how to become a media outlet ourselves. This is very dramatic. Inspiring! Of course, it was difficult to resist skepticism, but now this trend has changed dramatically and will strengthen every year.” “This year, Dobro.RF turns 10 years old. In 2014, the volunteer movement was just beginning to develop, and now we see colossal positive changes in this vitally important industry – more than 28% are involved in volunteer activities, and more than 60% know about volunteers and trust them, according to VTsIOM,” Alina Yashina, Deputy Chairperson of the Board of the Dobro.RF Association, shared her experience. – These changes have occurred, among other things, thanks to the support of volunteer activities and the development of a culture of mutual assistance in society. Citizens of the country today are ready to systematically help each other, launch social projects and become leaders of social change. And they need a supportive environment, infrastructure, training. The Dobro.rf platform is today becoming just such a springboard and an aggregator of opportunities for caring people and organizations and the NPO sector in the broad sense. And, of course, media support and the development of media competencies are important. The state, the media and NGOs sometimes speak different languages, which means that it is necessary to create a common dictionary. This will allow the non-profit sector to quickly and effectively solve the problems for which NPOs are created. Alina Yashina, Vice President of the Board of the Dobro.RF Association. Photo: AiF/Irina Ame “We are at a critical stage in the fight for the trust of beneficiaries and we must win,” says Svetlana Gorbacheva, General Director of the AiF. Kind Heart Foundation. Ruslan Novikov, CEO of the AiF Publishing House, Svetlana Gorbacheva, CEO of the AiF Foundation. “Kind Heart”, Sergey Zamchalov, ANO Center for Social Projects “Donorskaya Volga” – winner of the Competition, participant of the PR Accelerator “Formula of Success” project. Photo: AiF / Irina Ame Let’s return to the Formula of Success project, she said that 100 NPO leaders from 44 regions of Russia took part in it: “They performed excellently in this educational project, provided meaningful and interesting texts, and most importantly, mastered a large number of tools of the educational project, which is now ready for implementation.” launch – “Learn, Share.” Within its framework, the NGO leaders themselves, 25 people, will pass on the knowledge they have gained to their colleagues. We expect that 500 active participants will continue to work with us as newsmakers. “Non-profit organizations work at all levels. However, despite the success, we are only at the beginning of a long journey. For 14 years now, there has been an understanding that NGOs are an important social structural instrument that should take a worthy niche in society. It is necessary for each person to consider it important and quite natural to help others,” Natalia Tyurina, Head of the Department of Education and Social Projects, Head of the international media project “Social Navigator”. The Russia Today group shared its vision of the situation. – Now the task is to develop specialists not only in the non-profit sector, but also in the media. Thus, students of the journalism department will learn to write competently on topics important to society while still at their desks, even before they are hired by the editorial office. Ruslan Novikov, General Director of the AiF Publishing House, Svetlana Gorbacheva, General Director of the AiF “Kind Heart” Foundation Irina Chinasova, ANO “Good Friends”, winner of the Competition, participant in the PR Accelerator “Formula of Success” project. Photo: AiF/Irina Ame Following the plenary session, Ruslan Novikov and Svetlana Gorbacheva presented diplomas of winners to the best participant of the master class “Formula of Success” – Ivan Graevsky, private institution “Center for Social and Labor Adaptation of the Inferior”. People of “Master OK” (Saint Petersburg); Irina Chinasova, ANO “Good Friends” (Chelyabinsk Region) and Sergey Zamchalov, ANO “Center for Social Initiatives “Donor Volga” (Saratov Region). Ruslan Novikov, General Director of the AiF Publishing House, Svetlana Gorbacheva, General Director of the AiF Foundation. Good Heart”, Ivan Graevsky Private institution “Center for Social and Labor Adaptation of the Disabled “Master OK”, winner of the Competition, participant of the PR Accelerator “Formula of Success” project. Photo: AiF/Irina Ame They were determined in several stages. First, 50 finalists were selected. Then 10 of them were chosen whose work was the most professional, and 3 winners were determined from them. The remaining 7 from the top ten will receive their awards later. The PR summit continued with master classes by famous experts in the field of communications. Elina Dashkueva, host of the Mir TV channel, told the participants about the art of speech and revealed the secrets of the TV announcer profession, which they can use in their public speaking. Natalya Makarova, host of the Volunteer program on Komsomolskaya Pravda radio, producer of the educational program School of NPO Leaders, explained how NPO representatives can go on air at a federal radio station, and also focused on the features of the conversational genre. Maria Zalunina, Head of the CSR Department of the National Media Group, member of the Coordinating Council of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation for Improving the Social Efficiency of the Media Industry and its Interaction with Civil Society Institutions, showed which media tools will help representatives. NGOs build public communications. Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Argumenty i Fakty Publishing House Indira Kodzasova looked at the partnership between the media and NGOs in the regions from the outside: what do the media need from NGOs, and what do NGOs need from the media? And, based on the experience of regional representatives, AiF showed how to combine these tasks. The speaker of the public speech of AiF, who discussed the motivation of a leader, was Vice President of the Russian Artistic Gymnastics Federation, four-time Olympic champion and five-time world champion Alexey Nemov. He spoke about how to find yourself, overcome fatigue and be able to maintain a balance of strength and resources for a creative mission, answered questions from the summits. The AiF estate hosted the PR booster “Formula of Success” The AiF estate hosted the PR booster “Formula of Success”

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