Buy with confidence: Roskachestvo spoke about the best ham

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Roskachestvo has published a rating of the best brands of ham available in Russian stores. Experts conducted a study in which ham samples were selected from 21 brands of pork. The quality of the products was checked on 234 parameters, including safety, quality and correctness of labeling. The results of DNA analysis and histological examination confirmed the presence of a pig in each sample. However, some products contained components not listed in the composition, such as animal protein, feed (cheek), pork skin, mechanically separated meat, starch, carrageenan, gum and fiber. The samples did not contain DNA from rodents, cats, dogs, corn, canola , GMOs, and also did not exceed the standards for the content of antibiotics and preservatives. Eight brands did not meet the requirements of GOST: “Cherkizovo”, “Kazhday Den”, “Velikoluksky Meat Processing Plant”, “Velkom”, “Rublevsky”, “Selo Zelenoe”, “Sausages from Makarov” (farm), “Meat Shop”. “. Only ham of the “Okraina” brand met the requirements of Roskachestvo, receiving the opportunity to receive the Russian Quality Mark. The TOP 5 also included hams under the brands Borodin’s Meat House, Agroholding Yola, Miratorg and Werner.

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