Billionaire Richard Branson rules out further investment in Virgin Galactic

Posting in CHAT: Russia

British billionaire Richard Branson, worth an estimated $2.9 billion, has refused to continue investing in the space tourism company he founded, Virgin Galactic, because it is unprofitable and, according to him, he no longer has the necessary funds to support the loss-making business. The entrepreneur, in an interview with the Financial Times, emphasized that the fate of the company now seems unclear. British billionaire and founder of Virgin Galactic, Richard Branson, was able to make a space flight on his own Unity spacecraft, the launch took place in July. October 11, 2021. The ship was lifted into the air by the aircraft carrier WhiteKnightTwo. It flew independently along a suborbital trajectory and landed safely. Speaking about his impressions of the flight, Branson admitted that he had dreamed of it since childhood, but nothing could prepare him for the magical views of the Earth from space. In August of the same year, Virgin Galactic, a company specializing in suborbital space flights, announced the start sales of tickets to space for everyone.

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