beautiful pictures and postcards – June 13, 2024. – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

On the holiday, it is important not only to congratulate loved ones, but also to visit the temple Source: Natalya Laptsevich / 74.RU Holiday cards are increasingly sent not by mail, but on social networks: it’s both fast and free. And looking at our postcards in honor of the Ascension of the Lord, I would like to add: they are also very beautiful! Save these 10 pictures for yourself and send them to family chats so that your loved ones will accurately appreciate your congratulations Source: Serafima Pantykina/City Portals Source: Serafima Pantykina/City Portals Source: Serafima Pantykina/City Portals On this day, believers celebrate. The Ascension of Christ into heaven, which occurred forty days after His resurrection. According to the Bible, it was at the moment of the Ascension that angels told people about the second coming, and since then believers of all faiths have been waiting for it Source: Seraphim Pantykina / City portals Source: Seraphim Pantykina / City portals Believers believe that on this day Jesus may test one of them, begging for alms under the guise of a beggar. Therefore, on Ascension it is not customary to refuse those in need. This is not the only tradition of the celebration: on this day they also organize round dances, trying to attract the harvest, and housewives bake ladders – special rye cookies in the shape of a ladder, symbolizing the path from earth to heaven. Source: Serafima Pantykina/City Portals Source: Serafima Pantykina/City Portals Source: Serafima Pantykina/City Portals A superstitious person in Ascension hopes to see a rainbow: it promises happiness and prosperity in the future. And if the sky is not visible due to heavy rain, then, according to signs, trouble should be expected. Source: Serafima Pantykina / City portals Source: Serafima Pantykina / City portals Congratulations, and always with a postcard They congratulate me, but every time I forget about festomi, I celebrate not myself, but congratulate the believers. For me this is not a holiday, I am an atheist

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