ASI will hold a week of communications on the “Kukhonnoe NPO” channel – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

From November 7 to 11, the NPO Kitchen Telegram channel will host a thematic week, which will be dedicated to communication and promotion of non-profit organizations. The editors of the Social Information Agency will act as experts. The event plans include instructions, cards, life hacks and even a quiz with a useful mini-prize. Participants will learn from practitioners how to formulate a news story, which media to choose for cooperation and how to build effective communication. A separate day will be devoted to the legal aspects of working with content. Let’s talk about the law on advertising, and look at errors in working with photos and videos (copyrights, filming permissions, etc.). “It is especially valuable for us that ASI supported us in implementing this week. Colleagues have developed a very inspiring plan with relevant topics and will share valuable knowledge and experience. This is a unique opportunity for five days to immerse yourself in the world of PR and communication for NPOs and learn something new for your work. The week will be useful for both heads of non-profit organizations, PR specialists, and other employees who interact with content,” comments Ekaterina Bekker, PR manager of the NPO “Kuhnya”. NPO “Kukhnya” is Russia’s largest online resource center for non-profit organizations, which has been developing NPOs for more than 8 years, accumulating knowledge and creating platforms for communication and exchange of experience.

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