Another section of the problematic extension to Dimitrova has been completed in Samara – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

02.08.2024 19:43 SAMARA. AUGUST 2. LATEST NEWS. Read: 9 Print version If you find an error in the text, select it and press CTR + Enter On July 31, a problematic residential building from the register of defrauded equity holders began operating on the street in Samara. Dimitrova, 74a. This was reported by the regional prosecutor’s office. Preparations are currently underway to transfer residential premises to citizens. Photo: Samara Region Prosecutor’s Office Let us recall that the construction of a 10-story four-section house began in 2004 by KO SRO OOO “Edinstvo”. The developer went bankrupt, and the Association for the Protection of the Rights and Legitimate Interests of Shared Construction Participants took on the completion of the facility, also recognized as insolvent. The house is being completed at the expense of the regional budget by the Samara Regional Fund for the Protection of the Rights of Citizens – Shared Construction Participants. Two sections were commissioned in 2023. The control section emphasizes that during the construction, the heads of the fund and the contractor, Arbit Stroy LLC, were repeatedly warned by the district prosecutor about the inadmissibility of violating the deadlines for commissioning the facility. eliminate the violations; They were made representations, and the perpetrators were brought to justice. “In addition, the district prosecutor’s office regularly made visits to the commissions to check the current state of the facility, resolve issues related to the implementation of the rights of equity holders, heard reports from representatives of interested departments and the developer on the progress of construction supervision. The progress of construction made it possible to resolve the problems that arose,” the prosecutor’s office notes. Thanks to the measures taken, it was possible to restore the rights of 78 citizens who participated in shared construction. Latest news

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