Almost a third of Russians consider their lifestyle to be quite healthy – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

More than half of the country’s residents – 52% – rate their health as satisfactory. A quarter of respondents (25%) called it good, and 22% called it bad. 29% believe that they adhere to a healthy lifestyle, and 56% of Russians said they want to make their lifestyle healthier. Such data was published by the sociological agency “Weber” – a joint project of the ANO “Dialogue” and the ANO “Regions Dialogue” to study public opinion using modern online tools. The study involved 1,300 Russians over 18 years of age. According to data published by Weber, among the most common reasons that prevent people from leading a healthy lifestyle, people named lack of money (50%), lack of suitable conditions (31%), lack of time (28%), laziness (24%). . . For Russians, a healthy lifestyle consists of three main components: physical activity and sports, proper nutrition and giving up bad habits. Most people in the country maintain their health through regular walks in the fresh air and active recreation (57%), following a daily routine that includes eight hours of sleep (42%), and eating right or following a diet (39%). At the same time, 41% noted that they mostly manage to get a good night’s sleep and relax after a working day, while 24% are not yet able to do this. Speaking about their bad habits, 72% admitted that they drink alcohol, of which 40% do it once a month or more often, 32% do it several times a year or less. 47% of Russians do not smoke, and 25% admit to smoking. 28% of those who used to smoke were able to finally overcome this bad habit. Those surveyed say that health and care issues, mindfulness and willpower, as well as a positive and stress-free environment can make them want to give up bad habits.

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