A schoolgirl in Bryansk was able to smuggle a Bekas-3 hunting rifle, belonging to her father, into the educational institution in a paper tube.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The metal detector frames in the Bryansk school did not work when a shotgun was brought in, because they simply weren’t there.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs: five people were injured from shots fired by a student at a gymnasium in Bryansk, one of the wounded classmates died. The girl who opened fire committed suicide.

Schoolchildren report that the girl could have done this because of bullying from classmates.

Eighth-grader Alina, who carried out the shooting, was bullied at school—since elementary school. This could be one of the reasons for today’s tragedy.

It all happened during the second lesson – it was biology. At the moment when Alina took out a weapon and started shooting, the children tried to hide under their desks. The teachers tried to reason with the girl, but nothing worked. Two people died, including Alina. Four more were injured. The murdered person was 13-year-old Marina, a classmate of the girl.

Alina Afanasenkova’s class teacher says that the girl “wasn’t herself for two days.”

A couple of months ago there was a conflict in the class, which seemed to have been resolved. Children and parents unanimously asserted that everything was fine. But after some time, Alina stole her father’s shotgun and started a bloodbath in the gymnasium.

Alina and her twin sister Dasha are characterized at school as quiet and reserved girls. Daria was a little more active, but Alina did not communicate with anyone at all. At the same time, there were no complaints about her studies or behavior. Teachers periodically talked with Alina’s mother and sister about her socialization. According to teachers, the girl had been acting strangely for the past couple of days.

The teachers are also confident that there is no love story in what happened. Alina and Dasha didn’t even look at the boys, let alone have a relationship.

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