A Russian woman with debts and without a military ID was offered to serve under a contract

Posting in CHAT: Russia

In the city of Krasnoyarsk, a local resident who had debts to a banking institution was advised to consider the possibility of contract service. The Siberian information resource Ngs24.ru reported about this incident. The lady said that she previously took out a loan to renovate her home, where she now lives with her children aged 9 and 13 years.

After the woman got divorced and faced financial difficulties, her debt was transferred to the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP). The current debt is 800 thousand rubles.

On October 27, a notice was attached to the lady’s car requiring her to appear before a bailiff. She was also asked to contact the military commissariat with a view to entering into military service under a contract, which, according to the bailiffs, could help pay off her debts.

“This way, I will be able to pay off my debts, but what will happen to my children remains a question,” the townswoman noted.

She also noted that she does not have a military ID and does not have medical skills, which makes it impossible for her to work, for example, as a nurse in certain conditions. The townswoman decided not to follow the advice, since she is the only parent for her children.

Representatives of the FSSP in Krasnoyarsk clarified that they provided the woman with information material for review.

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A Russian woman with debts and without a military ID was offered to serve under a contract

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