A road will be built on the outskirts of Omsk for 360 million – May 21, 2024 – Russia today

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The zone is located on the outskirts of Omsk Source: Vladislav Lonshakov / E1.RU A road will be built to the Avangard special economic zone on the outskirts of Omsk for 359 million rubles. The information appeared on the government procurement website. The road will stretch from Kombinatskaya Street to the city border. Its length will be 2.7 kilometers. According to the authorities, this territory can attract large investments to the region. During the tender for the construction of the road, only one contractor submitted a proposal – Siberian Regional Union LLC. She was identified as an entrepreneur. The initial purchase price is 362 million 833 thousand rubles. The Siberian Regional Union proposed to build a highway for a smaller amount – 359 million rubles. Thus, the authorities saved 3.8 million rubles “Siberian Regional Union” – Arabo Grigoryan’s company. In 2021, she repaired the road on Chekhov Street. In addition, she acted as a contractor for the construction of an access road to a kindergarten on Lisitsky Street. Another important project of the company is the reconstruction of the Omsk – Muromtsevo – Sedelnikovo highway for 337.5 million rubles. According to the government procurement portal, in 2021 Sibros was engaged in major repairs of roads in the region, as well as pothole repairs on city roads. In 2020, the company built a road bypassing Kazakhstan—the contract value exceeded 718 million rubles. The bulk of the work will be completed in 2024. According to documents, the cost includes the dismantling of the existing sidewalk, excavation work, temporary markings, pruning of bushes and cutting down of coniferous trees. In addition, a storm sewer pipeline and the road surface itself will be laid on the territory. In 2025, asphalt will be laid near railway crossings, road construction will continue and lighting will be installed. The construction completion date is July 31, 2025. Let us remind you that the creation of an economic zone was approved by the interdepartmental working group under the Government of the Russian Federation on December 15, 2020. This is an area with a special regime of work. business. In the Omsk region it will occupy an area of ​​493.65 hectares. Residents will receive benefits on income tax, property tax, land and transport taxes, and in return must invest at least 120 million rubles in the production of industrial products. You can read more about the project in the material by Viktor Startsev.

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