A photo and video competition dedicated to his native city has started in Perm – Russia today

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The “This Must Be Seen” competition is being held as part of the VIII Perm City Historical Forum. The “This Must Be Seen” photo and video competition has started in Perm. It is held by the City Duma in the evening of City Day. The winners will be awarded. The image was created by the Stable Diffusion neural network based on interesting places in the city until June 14, after which post it on your VKontakte page with the hashtag #Perm301. Under the video you need to write a story about why you need to see this particular place. The poster can be dedicated to the history of a building, an art object, a monument or a natural area “Perm is a city with a rich history, there is something to see and where to go. In addition to iconic landmarks known throughout the country, the streets and courtyards of the city in all areas are full of interesting cultural and historical sites. For those who know how to see beautiful, unusual and most interesting places in their home city, the Perm City Duma announces a competition “This must be seen”, the competition was announced by the Chairman of the Perm City Duma Dmitry Malyutin, the best posters will receive memorable prizes. The winners will be selected on June 21, their names will be published on the website of the Perm City Duma and in the Duma VKontakte group.

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