A pensioner hanged herself from a 12th floor window of a residential building in Moscow. • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

February 26, 2024, 11:10 Main: in Moscow, a pensioner climbed out of a 12th floor window of a building and hanged himself with his hands. Dmitry Golubovich/Global Look PressRead 360 TV inA pensioner hanged himself from a 12th floor window in Moscow. Employees of the management company came to his aid. This was reported by the Baza Telegram channel. According to the authors of the article, a man who could barely hold his head up was discovered by residents of a neighboring house on Pokryshkina Street. The man miraculously grabbed onto the window frame and tried to crawl along the wall for several minutes. Concerned Muscovites called rescuers, but the man was saved before they arrived: he was dragged in by a janitor and employees of the Criminal Code. an old pensioner who lived in this house. He has a wife and daughter, but they were not at home at the time of the incident. The man could not explain why he got out of the house. The day before, in Moscow, a 10-year-old boy fell from the fourth floor and survived. The child tried to leave the house through the balcony, but could not stand it and fell. Actors: Valeria Dorokhova

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