A man joked and blew up his friend with an industrial hair dryer, and he died

In India, a young man died from a ruptured rectum, Lenta.Ru reports. The cause of death was being investigated by police. According to investigators, 24-year-old Yogish died when his 25-year-old friend Murali pumped hot air into his rectum using an industrial hair dryer. At the service center, the friends washed their bicycles and decided, out of curiosity, to test the capabilities of a powerful industrial hair dryer used to dry vehicles. According to investigators, Murali first directed the air from the hairdryer onto Yogesh’s face, then onto his back and finally “filled his rectum with hot air.” This caused Yogish to lose consciousness. Murali immediately rushed him to the hospital. Doctors said the high pressure of the hot air caused serious damage to the man’s intestines and required emergency surgery. However, the treatment did not help, and the Indian died. A manslaughter case has been registered against Murali.

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