A Lamborghini worth more than 25 million rubles was stolen from a car wash in Moscow

Posting in CHAT: Russia

In Moscow, a Lamborghini crossover worth more than 25 million rubles was stolen from a car wash. This was announced on Thursday, December 28, by representatives of the capital’s police departments. The victim turned out to be a high-ranking employee of the car rental company, who brought the car to be washed and replaced with tires. He left the car keys with the car wash workers. The next day, the car was gone – another man introduced himself as an employee of the victim’s company and fled with him. The stolen car was found not far from the scene of the theft, the suspect was detained, law enforcement agencies reported to TASS. According to officials, another theft occurred in the village of Vertoshino near Moscow. Two residents of the city of Ruza stole a car belonging to a pensioner from Moscow. Cars that most often attract the attention of traffic police officers have a number of features.

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