A “Hero’s Table” was opened at a school in the Kuedinsky district in honor of SVO participant Alexei Sannikov.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Alexey Sannikov was awarded the Order of Courage posthumously. A “Hero’s Table” was opened at the Kuedinskaya school in honor of SVO participant Alexey Sannikov. Mobilized in September 2022. He served in the zone of the Northern Military District in the territories of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. He died on September 25, 2023 while performing military duty. “The monument was installed on the territory of the Great Patriotic War monument, and the desk will be located within the walls of the school from which Alexey graduated,” the district administration reported. . said The best students of the school who have high achievements in studies, sports, creativity, and who have an active life position will sit at the “Hero’s Table”. The first to sit at the “Hero’s Table” were awarded to Alexey’s mother, wife and daughter. Earlier, the portal “Vkurse.ru” reported that in the Perm Territory they said goodbye to Sergei Kamenshchikov, who died during the Northern Military District.

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