refused to pay for luggage – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

In Yekaterinburg, a passenger who identified himself as “from the SVO” caused a scandal on a bus around midday today after the conductor demanded payment for transporting boxes of equipment, E1.RU reports. See. A witness who provided information to the portal said that the man boarded bus route 43 at the “Chkalova” stop in the direction of Sortirovka. He had boxes of equipment measuring approximately 60×40 centimeters. The conductor demanded payment for transporting the boxes, which angered the passenger. First, he cursed the conductor, and then the pensioner, who defended her, saying that he “arrived from the SVO yesterday.” E1.RU correspondent Daniil Rumyantsev described a verbal dispute between a participant in the special operation and the pensioner. The pensioner, a combat veteran, expressed dissatisfaction with the man’s words about the children of their family living in America, emphasizing that he did not understand why the man abandoned his own children to protect others. During the verbal altercation, the aggressive man used offensive language towards the pensioner, threatening him with physical violence. However, the conflict did not escalate into a physical fight. The pensioner, in turn, responded to the man, calling him “shit” and emphasizing that he did not believe his statements about participating in the SVO. Meanwhile, according to transport rules, passengers are allowed to carry hand luggage on public transport if its dimensions do not exceed 120 centimeters in total (for example, a suitcase or a stroller). If the carrier requires additional payment, it is the carrier, not the passenger, who must comply with the measures. Thus, it is possible that the conflict on the bus arose due to a misunderstanding of the transportation rules by one or another party.

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