A friend of Gradsky spoke about Pugacheva’s fees in the 90s • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

A close friend of musician Alexander Gradsky, journalist and writer Evgeny Dodolev spoke about the fees that singer Alla Pugacheva received in the 90s. The journalist recorded an interview with the artist before the spring of 2020, planning that a new book about him would be published in 2024 for the composer’s 75th birthday. He and the musician started talking about Prima Donna. “He surprised me then by saying that Alla Borisovna had been working part-time since the late 80s, because she gave few concerts due to problems with her voice. Here is his quote: “She only had money from corporate events. There – yes. In the 1990s, wealthy oil and gas companies could pay $80,000-$100,000 per show. But this happened only twice a year,” Dodolev said in an interview with Argumenty Fakty. Evgeny Dodolev also told how Alexander Gradsky spoke about his colleague Andrei Makarevich*. The artist believed that the leader of the Time Machine group appropriated the musical creativity of the entire group. Gradsky said that because of such actions by the musician, there were constant disagreements in the group. * Included by the Russian Ministry of Justice in the Register of Foreign Agents.

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