A five-liter pan of borscht for the day. How does a Voronezh family with 11 children live?

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This year, Governor Alexander Gusev awarded the “Mother Heroine” distinction to Elena Felonyuk, a mother of many children, from Novovoronezh. The heroine of the publication has 11 children and three grandchildren. The eldest son is 29 years old, the youngest daughter is 12. Her husband Andrei Felonyuk works as a senior operator at a boiler room, Elena is a housewife. Parents with many children are believers. They believe that every child is a gift from God. RIA Voronezh correspondents asked Elena and Andrey how to maintain love after 30 years of marriage and how to raise children correctly. Meeting in the temple Elena Nikolaevna grew up in the village of the Voronezh state estate in a large family: she has three sisters. two of whom also became mothers of many children. Like Elena, all sisters are believers. As a teenager, Andrei Petrovich was far from religion. One day the boy was registered with the police. At the age of 14, the guy found an explosive bullet near a military training ground and brought it home. One day a friend came to visit the boy, turned the find in his hands and accidentally dropped it. An explosion occurred and the boys received shrapnel wounds. One of them damaged Andrei Petrovich’s eye – since then he has not been able to see through it. It was then that he first thought about the meaning of life. One day the guy found himself at a church service. There he met Elena. She was 16 years old at that time, he was 20. As soon as the girl turned 18, Andrei proposed to her. Hungry 1990s. At first, the couple lived with their parents. In 1995, the newlyweds had their first child, son Pasha. Then girls of the same age were born: Lisa and Marina. In the 1990s, the couple recalls, it was very difficult to feed themselves and their children. Andrei Petrovich worked, but was not paid his salary. “Thank God, Andrei’s parents helped us a lot – we had to live on their pension. The parents’ garden and “spinning” for the winter helped. Relatives worried about us and said: “Where are you giving birth?” But we are believers, so we accepted all the children that the Lord gave us Photo – Victorio Kurlandskaya pred. Track. Children were born into the family every two years – Dasha, Alena, Andrey, Anya, Misha, Vitalina. The youngest daughter Valeria was born in 2012. The decision to become parents of many children was natural for the couple. In addition, the couple knows and communicates with other parents with many children in the Voronezh region – for example. , Alexander and Elena Shishkin (who have 20 children) and Valentina and Sergey Stovpivsky – parents of 13 children – The decision to have a large number of children is difficult if you rely only on yourself. But we live by the grace of God. Sometimes you look at the large family of Alexander Vasilyevich and Elena Georgievna Shishkin and think: how did they raise 20 children? And someone, looking at us, wonders: how do we feel about 11 children? – shared Andrey Felonyuk. Now the couple’s eldest children – Pavel, Alena, Lisa, Marina – live separately from their parents, the younger ones are schoolchildren. He graduated from the history department of Voronezh State University, then completed an alternative civil service – he worked as an orderly in a hospital. Pavel liked helping people so much that he entered medical school and studied to be a paramedic. Now the guy works in an ambulance and really loves his job. The young man is already married and has a little daughter. Students study well. But parents don’t make a “cult” out of learning. “All of our children learn differently. I don’t like it when teachers start putting pressure on children, making them afraid that they won’t pass the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam.” The state exam cannot be like this! I tell the children: “If you pass, you will still be our child. The main thing is to finish school and get a certificate. Andrey, for example, graduated from technical school. school by correspondence at 50 years old,” said Elena Felonyuk Dumplings, pilaf and preparations In the Felonyuk family, life is built according to the same rules as in all large families. The older children help the younger ones – they go to school together and do their homework. Sister Alena helps her brothers and sisters with English – the girl graduated from school with excellent marks and is a good translator. Most of Andrei Petrovich’s salary goes to buying food. Since the products are sold out literally within a day, you have to go to the store very often. The most popular products are milk and bread, fruits and vegetables. But parents with many children try to provide meat a week or two in advance. Elena Felonyuk, as the hostess, helps a lot with the preparation: she grinds the meat in a meat grinder, packs it into briquettes and lays it out. in the freezer. Then the minced meat is used in portions for cooking. Frozen vegetables and herbs also help housewife Elena prepare soups and borscht almost every day – to feed a large family, you need to prepare at least five liters of the former, which a mother of many children and children prepare together. The older girls indulge themselves with homemade baked goods – making muffins and cakes. New house Now a large family lives in a three-room apartment. Girls occupy one room, boys – the second. They sleep on bunk beds. According to Elena, the apartment is already too small for older children. “When the children were small, there were no problems – they could be put to sleep with jacks.” And now the children are adults, each of them needs personal space,” says Elena. In a small kitchen, the whole family cannot fit at one table – children and parents have to take turns having breakfast, lunch and dinner, a dream. Elena and Andrei Felonyuk had a large house in which there was enough space for everyone. And the couple began to build it themselves. Now the new two-story house is almost ready to move into. There are five rooms, a spacious kitchen with a large table, a living room and a terrace where the whole family will gather in the warm season. There is also a large vegetable garden on site. Last year, Elena Felonyuk planted tomatoes here and made the first “spinning” from her own tomatoes. Compromises and trust The secret of a happy family life, according to Elena, is simple – husband and wife must talk. If you don’t like something, don’t be silent. In addition, parents must understand that they are setting an example of healthy family relationships for their children. And he must be good. Spouses with many children are sure that a happy family life is impossible without love and faith in God – If you live without God, then nothing will work out. God is love, therefore, thanks to the Lord, we preserve this love,” shares Andrey Felonyuk. Elena Felonyuk is sure that a wife should listen to her husband. In marriage, you must give in to each other. In some situations, humor helps to avoid conflicts over trifles – a quick quarrel can be turned into a joke, says a mother with many children. Every day Elena tries to pay attention to each child. In the evening he talks to the children and asks how their day went. “This is necessary so that children can reveal their emotions, consult with us, their parents,” says the mother, father, whom the children respect and fear. I’m serious with them. – I don’t even regret that I became a mother of many children. Andrey and I look at our children and rejoice. We are very pleased with the result,” admitted Elena Felonyuk. Now the couple has three grandchildren. A mother of many children admits that being a young grandmother is very cool, because she has the strength to help her grown children take care of their children. Did you notice the error? Select it with the mouse and press Ctrl+Enter.

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