A cheerful whale puts on a show for tourists [видео] – Russia today

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News | 03 06 2024, 22:49 | SeverPost Video: Telegram / Teriberka / Alexander Barents Keith Minke presented tourists with a real show in the Barents Sea. He jumped out of the water and started flowing again with a loud splash. The whale appeared above the water more than once, to the delight of the public. Let us remind you that tourists are surprised that there is still snow in Teriberka. Read also: “Our Fish” goes to Snezhnogorsk To be the first to know about the main news and the most important events of the day, subscribe to our Telegram channel. “Our Fish” comes to Snezhnogorsk The traveling fair “Our Fish” will come to Snezhnogorsk on June 8. City residents will be able to buy fresh frozen, smoked, lightly salted,…→

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