A cafe burning in Voronezh was filmed – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

In the Elektronika microdistrict, a cafe burned down on the night of Saturday, June 1, Voronezh residents reported on social networks. Local residents are confident that the cause was arson. Footage of the fire and a video showing signs of arson were published on the Internet. Security camera footage shows two men in dark clothing quickly approaching the building. They do some manipulations and run away. A flash follows and smoke pours out of the cafe. According to official information from the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Voronezh Region, today a report was received of a fire in a cafe on Minskaya Street. 2:59. Room of 84 sq. I was completely burned out. The flames destroyed the roofing and household appliances – a refrigerator and an electric stove. Two departments worked on the call. The fire was extinguished at 3:25. There were no injuries. Yesterday, May 31, in Voronezh on January 9, a fire occurred in a 17-story building. A mining rig caught fire on the balcony of one of the apartments on the fourth floor. Details are in the material of RIA Voronezh. Did you notice the error? Select it with the mouse and press Ctrl+Enter.

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