Shooting heard again in Makhachkala – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Residents of Makhachkala report on social networks the sounds of gunshots near the veterans hospital, as well as on Korkmasov and Lenin streets. Scattered groups of security forces with weapons were also seen in the area. According to the SHOT Telegram channel, the “Interception” plan was presented in Makhachkala. Security forces are looking for two armed men who shot at a police officer. A general meeting of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is taking place in the city. The publication reports that one of the patrolmen saw a suspicious black LADA Priora car, inside of which there were two people dressed in all black. When police tried to approach, they opened fire and then fled. According to Redovka, police stopped the car for speeding, after which they found a weapon inside. There has been no official information about the situation yet. On the evening of June 23 in Dagestan, armed people attacked Orthodox churches and synagogues in Makhachkala and Derbent. All the attackers were natives of the city of Sergokal, among them the son and nephew of the previous head of the Sergokal region, Magomed Omarov. Earlier, Ramzan Kadyrov, after the events in Dagestan, called on Chechens to be especially vigilant towards their closest relatives.

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