A businessman from Voronezh has a tougher fine for non-payment of 579 million rubles in tax

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Voronezh businessman Vahram Khachatryan provided the tax service with falsified information and failed to pay value added tax for a total of 579 million rubles. The Kominternovsky District Court sentenced him to 1 year and 6 months of imprisonment in a colonial settlement. In addition, the claim of the Moscow prosecutor’s office to recover 158 million rubles from the convicted person as compensation for damage to the budget was satisfied. The man has already voluntarily paid the rest of the amount. However, the Voronezh Regional Court toughened the businessman’s sentence, and now he will have to spend 2.5 years in a maximum security colony. The press service of the regional prosecutor’s office reported this on Tuesday, June 25. Vahram Khachatryan managed the financial and economic activities of Eurodorstroy JSC. Using the details and current account data of verified fictitious organizations, the man reflected in the current accounting statements of Eurodorstroy JSC and Eurodortrest JSC for the years 2017–2019, false information about relations with fictitious organizations. In fact, no organization performed the work or supplied the materials. The business owner then included this information on his tax return. The man was convicted under paragraph “b” of Part 2 of Art. 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (evasion of taxes by an organization by including knowingly false information in the tax return, especially on a large scale). The maximum penalty under the article is five years in prison. Earlier, RIA Voronezh reported that the Investigative Committee dropped the criminal case against the head of a Voronezh business organization that failed to pay taxes in the amount of more than 96 million rubles. During the preliminary investigation, the man voluntarily compensated for the damage caused to the budget, and taking into account penalties, the total amount amounted to more than 160 million rubles. Did you notice the error? Select it with the mouse and press Ctrl+Enter.

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