Why can’t America defeat the Houthis and not fight with us? Lukic

Publication in CHAT: Russia

Wow!!! This is what I have always said. This is what the policy of nationalizing costs and privatizing profits leads to. Will the US Army and Navy be able to crush Yemen? – Without a doubt! And who will pay for it? – The US government budget. What should I pay? – The corporations that produce weapons and supply the army. The declared profits of these corporations dictate the enormous cost of such a military operation. Even an operation with limited objectives (such as simply damaging Yemen) is also insanely expensive. The US budget simply cannot bear it. Maybe it needs to get more money from somewhere? – And from whom? – The population is semi-poor, up to its ears in debt. You can’t take that away from them, otherwise they will stop giving loans to the corporations. The same corporations have the money. But these corporations have two characteristics. They are tearing the US government out of their hands. The corporation’s employees are the President of the United States, the heads of the CIA, the FBI and the Department of Defense. How can they go against this? And then there are favorable tax regimes, foreign ones, the possibility of the existence of which was long ago accepted by the same corporate employees in the role of the US government. So what? War requires a lot of money. The government must pay this money to the corporations. And the government can only take this money from the corporations, because no one else has money. In this case, the government is controlled by the corporation. Dead end, then. The corporation cannot take the government away from itself and then return this money. There will be losses on transactions. Okay And in whose interests is the blockade of the Red Sea being ended? – In the interests of the same corporations. They are lost there. The US government has no interests there. The US gets oil from the Persian Gulf. Everything is fine there. And it will not go through the entire Suez. This is Europe’s problem. It is painful and expensive for them to deliver oil across Africa. And everything else. But the corporations have problems. It is just that the profit margin, according to some data, is falling. We must do something. What? “The logical choice is to put the US army and navy against the Houthis. The US government is subordinate to corporations. However… See above, the US government does not have money for this, because corporations robbed this government a long time ago. And the US government can only take money, so they cannot take money. The problem is solvable. There are so many bases in reserve that at least three AUGs will fit, and the ports will be destroyed. The coast of Yemen will be enough. How much will it cost? This is exactly the price that the corporations will set. Why do I say that this is funny? Well, understand. This is similar to a situation when there is a war between departments within a company. The sales department squeezes out all the funding to the detriment of production. And at the same time, it considers production to be its cash cow. Like, we eat the milk that the cow gives. But it eats too much grass. We will eat the grass ourselves. And how did it happen that the cow, not getting grass, no longer gives milk? But the corporations do not give this. Somewhere they understand that sooner or later they will come to an end, but they cannot give money – for them it is like a crop in balls. About the news. America is not capable of fighting us. World War III is happening. But the hegemon has not appeared. It has no money. Well, damn it. The US has enough money (theoretically) to hire at least 200 thousand mercenaries from its own and foreign citizens, supply them with weapons and send them to Ukraine. Lukichhttps://aftershock.news Subscribe to our Telegram channel so as not to miss all the most important materials that we publish: https://t.me/russiapost

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