Balakovo police opened fire and stopped a truck. They were nominated for an award

Publication in CHAT: Russia

Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Kuzmin came from the Samara Region to Balakovo to congratulate his colleagues. In Balakovo, Saratov Region, traffic police officers received an award for detaining a truck driver who was driving drunk on the highway. This was reported by the press service of the regional chief director of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Earlier, on the Syzran-Saratov-Volgograd highway, traffic police officers pursued a truck with a semi-trailer. The driver grossly violated traffic rules and, noticing the police car, increased speed in the hope of saving himself. Investigators from Balakovo had to use their service weapons, thanks to which they managed to detain the criminal. The head of the Russian State Traffic Inspectorate for Syzran, Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Kuzmin, came from the Samara Region to Balakovo to congratulate his colleagues and thank them for their good work. Certificates for the capture of the reckless driver were presented to the traffic police officer, police lieutenant Andrei Merenkov and senior lieutenant Andrei Kuprin.

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